A welcoming

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"Good morning, lovers." Erwin cried as he carried a large tray into the room. He sat it on a portable table that Hange carried in. Eren groaned, rolling over.
"Levi?" he mumbled in his sleep. I went to reach out to wake him when he punched out. "Levi!" He yelled louder. I caught his hand yanking him to me. Not before Hange smacked him across the face. Eren punched her with his other hand, as he opened his eyes. She staggered back into Erwin, who managed to catch her without knocking over the tray they brought in.
"Sorry, I had a bad dream." Eren muttered. I kissed him.
"It's alright, they deserved to get punched every now and again." I teased. He kissed me then glared.
"We haven't even showered yet. You want us to debrief with cum all over us?" his gorgeous bright eyes glaring at our commanders.
"Clean up, wash those." Erwin pointed to the sheets. "And meet me in my office in thirty minutes." He ordered.
"Make it an hour." Eren demanded.
"You cheeky little..." Erwin laughed.
"One hour." Hange pushed the commander out the door. I chuckled.
"Love the way you handle them." I teased. His mouth found mine as he kissed me. He was warm, warmer than he should be. I drew back.
"Eren, you feeling ok?" I asked. He sighed laying his head on my shoulder.
"No, I've been having these dreams, when I wake I am feverish and have a headache. It usually goes away once I have some coffee." He told me.
"How long?" I asked. He shrugged. I slapped his back. "How long!?" I demanded.
"About four days now..." He muttered. I crawled out of bed. Not bothering with his chair I carried him into the bath room. There was a bathtub there as well as the shower. I sat Eren in it and ran the water. As it filled I got towels and things for us. I went and stripped the bed. Sending Hange a text about Eren. I took the tray back to the bath. He had shut the water off.
As I came in he was laying his head on the back of the tub. Eyes closed, one hand over his face. The other along the tub. I sat the tray and table down beside him. Leaning over I felt his head. He was still pretty warm. I climbed in.
"Tell me about the dream." I told him. He sighed lowering his hand to hold me against him I leaned my back against his chest. He kissed me. I shoved the top off of the tray to reveal breakfast. Snagging the coffee and tea, I held the coffee to him. "Come on brat." I stated softly.
He sipped the coffee, keeping one arm around me. "Basically it happened for real last night. I lose sight of you in a fight, your tracker falls off and no one can find you." He said. "I scream your name, but you don't answer." He nuzzled into my neck. God he was really warm.
"I think you're coming down with something. You're very warm."
"I'm sitting in a hot tub with coffee and the hottest guy I know. Chill, I'm fine." He drank some more of his coffee. "What food stuffs did our lovely commanding officers bring us?" Turns out there were crepes and sausage along with bacon. We ate, washed up, I helped him get out. We got dressed and headed down to the commander.
Eren drooped the tray back off at the kitchen, I tossed our bedding into wash as Jean, Marco and Armin hid their laughter behind their cups. Eren didn't say anything, which was unusual. We went to the offices. Eren had hardly set foot inside his own office since he came back.
Hange jumped on him, taking his temperature. She frowned. "100.2" she glared at her lieutenant commander. "How long have you been sick?"
"A few days. It goes away in a bit." He waved his hand. She caught it pressing on his finger nail. Her frowned deepened.
"You've been giving you meal packs away haven't you?" she growled.
"Your irons low. I want a full work up blood draw all of it. My lab, now." She kicked his knee. He glared.
"Eren, for me. Come on." I unlocked his wheel chair. We all went to the lab. He looked really lethargic.
"Alright, while Hange examines Eren, let's see what news you have." Erwin said. I gave him the information I managed to get, which was little to nothing. Eren gave him his debriefing.
"I think he just needs some rest and TLC. I'm going to put him on an antibiotic. He should be right as rain in a day or two." Hange smiled.
"Well, they all have earned a little break. The B.R.A.T unit and Levi squad have a four day break." Erwin commanded. He took the papers we had gotten and went back to his office. Eren surprised me by going back to our room. I followed him. He glared at the stripped bed.
"I wanted to get more sleep." He whispered. Hange strolled in.
"Here's your medicine." As she was making sure he took it, I remade the bed. Eren sighed watching me.
"Levi?" he asked.
"Yeah brat?" I answered as I smoothed out the sheet, my ass facing him.
"You have a great ass." I laughed.
"Yeah, his name is Eren." He tackled me to the bed. We rolled around until I was kissing him.
"No sex, you need to rest." He curled up with his head on my chest, laying on his stomach, his left side along mine. I looked down. His right knee rested against the bed.
"Dose it gross you out?" he asked. Being sick his eyes were brighter than normal. I leaned into him, kissing his forehead.
"Never, not once, have I ever thought a single part of you was gross." I told him. "Aside from eating in my bed!" I snickered. He chuckled.
"I love you, you know that?" he stated as he laid his head down on me. "You saved my life." He added sounded groggy.
"Eren, you saved far more than just my life." I whispered as he drifted off to sleep. Once I knew for sure he wouldn't wake up, I eased out from under him. I went to find Erwin. We went over the plans to attempt to figure out a new strategy.
Two days later, Eren was feeling better. He was bored and getting on my nerves. I ended up yelling at him to find something to do other than pester me. He still hadn't gotten his leg back from Hange. After two hours of not seeing my brat I was upset. Yes it was my fault he sulked off. But he typically comes back with tea at some point. He hadn't today. I marched out of my office to go find him.
I could hear a basketball dribbling in the lab. I ignored it, knowing it couldn't be Eren. I searched our room, his office, checked Armin's room and office. My brat was missing. I know Erwin locked down the machines for the entire four days. I stormed into Erwin's office.
"Where is Eren!?" I demanded. He looked up from some report.
"Seriously?" he asked arching his eyebrows. "You can't here that racket?" he demanded waving his hand towards the sound of the basketball game.
"Eren doesn't have his leg back." I muttered. Erwin looked like I had just spoke an alien language.
"He has his chair? Come on, you've never seen him play?" he stood, back cracking. Snagging my arm he dragged me down the hall. "That husband of yours has many talents." His blue eyes twinkled.
We reached the balcony over looking the lab. Eren was in his chair without a shirt on. Jean, Marco, Armin, and Connie also didn't have shirts on. The were facing Mikasa, Petra, Annie, Sasha and Hange. Eren was dribbling the ball in his left hand, while maneuvering the wheelchair with his right hand and left leg. It was an amazing sight! Mikasa was trying to steal the ball, but Armin was protecting his best friend. I watched as Eren spun his chair around, half tipped back on some bars and launched the ball into the regulation high net. He had to do it from about half court. My mouth dropped open.
"If he hadn't met you, he may have gone on to play basketball in college." A voice stated behind me.
"That isn't true. Eren gave up the sport the year he came out. Too many of the guys were upset with him being in the locker room with them." The woman at his side stated.
"Dr. Mrs. Yeager." Erwin greeted them. "Hang on the games almost over." Just as he said that Jean stole the ball from Annie. He was on a straight path to the net. Suddenly Mikasa was there. She smiled. Jean's feet stuttered. Mikasa stole the ball spinning around she launched it down the court. It swooshed into the net as the final buzzer sounded.
"GAME!" looking up we saw some of the other recruits watching. "Girls won by three!" I chuckled.
"They are amazing." I whispered. "Yeager!" I yelled. Eren spun just after catching his shirt from Armin. He used it to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. "Do not put that on!" I yelped. He laughed.
"Then come cover me up." His eyes twinkled. Then dulled just a little. His relationship with his parents was getting better, yet whenever he first saw his dad, I saw the same fear in his face. He was still a kid living in that house. His smile came back as he wheeled up to the bottom of the balcony.
"Mom, dad, hey." He waved.
"You here for your shot?" Hange called.
"Hey, mom, dad" Mikasa acknowledged. Erwin and I led them down to the floor. Carla Yeager rushed up to hug her son. As she turned to hug her adopted daughter, the two male Yeager's faced each other.
"You're looking well. What's wrong with your leg?" Grisha asked.
"I was out on mission for a month. Hange's almost done recalibrating it and adding I some more twits to it." Eren answered.
"Hey, Eren, do you recall Historia Reiss?" Carla asked.
"Hissy, yeah why?" he giggled.
"Because, we reunited recently." A small voice said behind us. Eren turned. There was a girl who looked to be Armin's twin. "And stop calling me Hissy!" she snarled as her jeweled blue eyes hardened.
"Never. You always throw hissy fits." Eren laughed. Her eyes scanned over him.
"Eren?" she asked. He snorted.
"What favor do I need to do now?" he asked.
"My cousin and her girlfriend have joined your military..." her voice trailed off.
"OK, princess, spit it out." Eren narrowed his eyes at her.
"Well, I um was thinking..."
"You're princess Historia Reiss?" Hange gushed.
"Hange, I don't think he meant an actual princess." I snapped.
"Yes, he did and I am." She stated. I gaped at her. Eren knew a princess.
"You want me to try them in the B.R.A.T s, doncha?" He asked. She nodded. He caved.
"Only because I owe you." He said.
"I'm sorry, about your leg." She glanced down at it. He smirked.
"Well, my husband doesn't mind it."
"What!? You got married and didn't invite me!?" she squealed. He laughed as she began to smack him. I wrapped my arms around her lifting her away from my lover.
"I don't give a damn who you are, you will not hit my husband." I growled in her ear. She turned her head to look back at me.
"Awe, your so cute and small. Eren must wrap you up like a doll." I never wanted to hit a girl more. I flung her away from me. Marco and Jean steadied her as Eren, Armin and her laughed. I growled stomping over to Eren. He pulled me onto his lap.
"Crown Princess of Wall Rose, Historia Reiss, and my childhood playmate..." He winked at me. " it is my honor to introduce you to my husband. Captain Levi Ackerman - Yeager." Historia bowed. I snorted out a good to meet you. Eren invited her to dinner.

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