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Eren (POV)

"Who are you?" I asked the girl we stood waiting for me. She blinked up at me, dark brown eyes huge in her small head.

"My name is Miya." She said softly. She held the handles of a rickety wheel chair. "Master asked me to fetch you." She said.

"Master huh?" I growled out. My brother was an egotistical dick! I realized. This was a mistake. I plopped into the chair. She swung me around taking me back into the lab. Zeke stood behind a table that had an array of food on it. I looked up at him. The girl walked around my chair, heading for the door. I growled softly at seeing her sizable stomach. She was pregnant.

"Thought you might be hungry." He stated as he sat across from me.

"Oh, so this is a social call?" I asked. He glared.

"Don't be a smart ass!" He snarled. I lifted my left hand to reach for the coffee cup. That was when I noticed it. I flipped my hand around. The golden band was gone. I closed my hand into a fist, slamming it down on my leg. I closed my eyes. Was this another sign? Was Levi even worried about me? I fumed.

Shaking my head of the negative thoughts, I drew in a deep breath. This kind of thinking was going to get me killed.

"What's the matter?" Zeke asked sounding genuinely curious.

"Nothing." I answered reaching once more for the coffee cup. It was super strong and very bitter. Why was it as thick as sludge?

"They don't drink coffee." He frowned. I snorted.

"What do you want, Zeke?" I asked picking up my fork.

"How did your parents meet?" he asked.

"Mom was sick, dad's a doctor, that's all I know." I said. He nodded.

"When's you're birthday?"

"Are we comparing zodiac signs?" I asked. He glared.

"March 31st." I told him.

"That explains your attitude." He hissed. I laughed.

"You might want to tell my husband that." I chuckled. The food wasn't bad, but not great either.

"You're gay?" I nodded. "Dad is supposed to be this top notch genetic doctor and he created a flawed son?" he snarled.

"Did he now? What is your flaw then?" I asked spearing a piece of fish. Zeke snorted it sounded like he was attempting to cover a laugh.

"Do you often hide behind this charming display of inaptitude?" He inquired.

"As much as I can." I answered. He sat his fork down steepling his fingers. Setting his bearded chin on his thumbs he scrutinized me. "Are you going to tell me your master plan then kill me now?" I asked.

"I'm not going to harm you." He stated. "I want to know why you received the life I should have gotten." He demanded.

"Dear old granddaddy of yours didn't like our father. He killed his own daughter in hopes of getting dad." I told him. He sighed.

"You are just going to be difficult aren't you?" he asked. I sighed. Relenting a little I told him the story Dad told us.

"So that's it then? He never came looking for me?" he asked sounding more like a lost child than a scientist.

"He thought you were dead. Until he saw you in the bot at my wedding. Talk about the ultimate wedding crasher." I commented. Zeke nodded slowly.

"Here's the thing, Eren. I'm dying. Have been for most of my life." Zeke told me.

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