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Levi POV

"Jean just sent word, Eren's ready to come home." Erwin stated.

"Get that fucking machine ready." I snarled. Hange snorted.

"Go bring him home." Hange ignored me. I wanted to kick her but my legs wouldn't move. Hange turned to Moblit.

"Prepare the command bot, and Jean's get them to the shore. Call in the rest of the unit." She commanded. She turned away. I looked at the ten bots we had. Eren's green and white command bot, Jean's black and silver bot, Petra's blue bot, Marco's dark blue with silver stars over the eyes, and Annie's purple bot. That left the other three.

Krista had her bot painted the royal purple, it looked like it was wearing a fucking cape, had golden buttons down a suit like jacket. Somehow, it fit her perfectly. I smirked the little devil, Isabell had a flaming design on her bot. The feet started out black for the coal, then turned to yellow, orange and up the breast red. Just like her personality. To no surprise Ymir's bot was the most underrated. It was a dark black with dark grays mixed in making a camouflage pattern. The pilots came rushing in. Armin swung over to his command port. He started calling out instructions.

"Church is on bridge. Eren isn't located yet. No, wait, Jean has eyes on Eren. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HE CANT DO THAT!" Armin screamed. "Tell him not too, what do you mean you can't communicate with him he only has one leg how can he pilot that!" I didn't know who Armin was talking to, possibly Church. But I knew what my idiotic half insane husband was planning.

"He's going after Zeke's bots." I looked up to Hange.

"Armin's in command right now. I need you to help me with something." The way she said it, so oddly calm for her, I had no argument ready. I wanted to stay and listen to what was happening with Eren.

"You and I both know, that brat will do anything to come back. Levi, I want to see my father again." Hange whispered as she bent over the arms of my chair. "I don't know if Eren will think of that. He has so much other things he needs to do." She was wheeling me away. She pushed me into a smaller lab.

Looking around, it was apparent this was where she had been conducting her Titan research. She stopped. I didn't see or hear her for a minute or two. Then she was before me, a syringe in one hand.

"I didn't offer this first, one because you needed the rest, two because I don't know how long the effects will last, I wanted to make sure you would be ready for today. And three..." she lowered her head. The light glanced off of her glasses. She pressed a finger to her eyes. I ignored the tears.

That was the relationship we had. We were so alike. Our pasts could have intermingled. Hange Zoe, a rich kid with brains to think up just about anything. Yet, her greatest asset was the one that left her so alone. I had met her on her worst day. The day the government announced they were no longer searching for her father. They had declared him dead.

I had seen her sitting alone on a log over a creek. I was hiding in a tree. To look back now, that was our relationship in a nutshell. Hange on the ground scrounging for anything to use to save mankind, me aloft in the sky fighting to save her. That day, I had no idea what made me do it. I never liked seeing people cry. Of course I heard all the rumors and whispering of her life.

Maybe it was the way she cried. She sat on that log in a pale green tee-shirt, darker green shorts rolled up. A stick in one hand. Her arm dropped over her bent knee. She was looking up at the clouds, just letting the tears fall, quiet. I had slipped from the tree. Not saying a word I had sat down behind her. I rubbed her back.

She had leaned into me, I guess just for the emotional comfort of another living being. Because of my one act of selflessness, I hadn't been able to rid my life of this mad creature. Now she stood before me, that same scared lonely girl, asking me to rub her back one more time.

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