An understanding

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Eren POV
"Well, I didn't have much say in who came to the wedding." I laughed as I sat at the table. Erwin and Levi were on cooking duties. Jean and Marco were sitting with us. Armin came in with Hange, Mikasa Annie and Petra. They sat at our huge table. Others filtered in to find seats as the cooks were almost done.
"How controlling." Historia muttered.
"Nah, it wasn't like that. I was getting depressed in the rehab. Nothing seemed to be going right. I was away from him, from all of them. Felt like it was forgotten, ya know." Historia took my hand.
"You ways hated that." She squeezed. "You really should have told me."
"Well, I did tell you most of it. When I first joined the academy. Levi's the guy I had been dating in high school."
"Oh my god!" She covered her mouth. "You literally married the first guy you had sex with?" Jean spit out his water.
"Wait, what?" he cried glaring at me. I laughed.
"Yeah I did." I told her what dad had done, how I lost my leg but was still allowed to command the B.R.A.T unit. And how I got kidnapped to attend my own wedding.
"It's like a fairytale." She giggled. "Just that the handsome prince is a grouchy troll!" she shot a glare at Levi.
"You want this spoon shoved up ...."
"Levi!" Erwin scolded. We all laughed as Levi huffed and walked away. After dinner, Historia asked if I would go for a walk with her.
"His sick. He shouldn't be out in the night air right now." Levi stated, his eyes narrowing.
"You know if I didn't know any better I would think you were jealous. I'm feeling a lot better." I told him.
"I promise I won't keep him out long. Half an hour?" Historia asked. Levi snorted.
"Any longer and I come looking for you." He pouted.
"Deal!" she cried leaping up to grab the handles on my chair. Once we were out away from most listening ears she spoke up.
"He seems very, uh, protective of you." She hedged.
"Yeah, he is. See I nearly died... a few times." I muttered.
"Eren, tell me if you are in a safe place?" she asked coming around to sit on a stump before me.
"Hissy, I'm still me. Just because I'm in this chair doesn't mean I will let people take advantage of me." I told her.
"Armin's here..." She hedged. I reached down to take her hands. I kissed each one.
"Thank you for caring for me. But Levi and I are good, I promise. We've been through a lot. We survived it because we were together." I explained. "Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm making excuses, but..."
"Levi would be dead without Eren. He nearly killed himself the two years they were apart. He's gruff on the outside because he is so afraid of getting hurt. Don't judge him just yet, princess. Wait until you get to know him. He takes a little understanding." I blinked as Hange stood there. She smiled over at me.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your talk, but your parents wanted to know if they could stop by and see you for breakfast."
"Uh, yeah, actually no. Tell them to meet Levi and I at that dinner they liked in town a few months back." I said. She agreed and walked away.
"OK, I will give him time, if you can grantee he isn't listening to us right now." She arched her brow. I sighed. I honestly couldn't. He could have gotten into his ODM gear.
"I can't say for sure, but I doubt it. He said he would give you half an hour. He keeps his word." I offered. So she demanded we wait out here for half an hour. I laughed at her game. We chatted about our shared childhood, about what we were doing now and about our future.
"Do you ever plan to be a father?" she asked me. I smiled. "You were so good with those kids." She pressed. We had worked in an orphanage together.
"Honestly, and don't tell Levi, I don't want to freak him out or anything..." I told her about my thoughts as I was getting ready for the wedding. She gasped.
"You so want to be a father!" she punched me in the arm. I laughed.
"Not until we get out of the military, and with these Titans around who knows when that will be." I frowned.
"It's been forty five minutes." Levi grouched as he walked out of the shadows. I smiled at him.
"You heard." It wasn't a question. He walked up to me, pressing his head into mine.
"Yeah, I heard. I would love to have a family with you, one day. But also the Titans..." He let his voice trail away.
"Well, your both young." Historia stood up. "I will be going. It was nice catching up with you, Eren." We hugged and she went out to where her car was waiting for her. I told Levi about our breakfast date. Tomorrow was my last day of vacation.
I was awaken by a banshee. "Eeerrreeen!!!!!" Hange screamed as she barged into my room. Levi was just stepping out of the bathroom. "It's ready." She held my leg in her hands.
"Great, let me shower first." I told her. She huffed but sat in my chair to wait.
"Uh, I need..." I began. Levi wasn't as nice. He smacked her on the back of the head.
"Get out of his chair, shitty glasses. How do you think he's going to get to the shower!" Hange got up to yell in Levi's face. I pulled my chair over and got in. While they were fighting I went to shower. Once done I came out to find my leg leaning against the wall. No one was in the room. I put it on.
There was a little glow light that zipped along the seam between my real leg and the artificial one. Once it was complete I could feel the leg. Like, I was touching it with my hands, but I could feel my hands on the leg. I had never had sensation in the leg before! I stood up. This was better than ever! I walked around, jogged in place, I could feel the floor. I laughed. Hange was amazing.
Quickly I got dressed. I found a pair of nice black jeans, a blue tee-shirt and socks with a nearly brand new pair of sneakers. We didn't often get to wear stuff other than our uniform. Once dressed I thought better about showing up to breakfast like this. Reaching back I pulled out a white dress shirt. Appease my dad, I guess.
I walked out. Hange saw me and squealed. "What do you think?" she leapt up but was instantly blocked by Levi and Erwin.
"Guys it's OK, let her through." Hange dodged around them coming up to me. "It's unreal!" I told her. "I can feel my shoe and my hands when they were touching it..."
"... it's this new material I've been working on. I got it to match your skin tone. I put it on your leg. It has touch sensors in it. Kind of like the touch screen of a smart phone." She gushed. "We should do tests..."
"You can't Eren needs to go to have breakfast with his parents." Mikasa came out wearing a black skirt with suspenders. These went up over a pink half shirt. Her hair was down with a ribbon tied around it.
"Cute" I smirked. She showed me her boots. They went up past her knees. Had at least a three inch block under them, zipper on the inside and laces in front. I laughed.
"Always have to be the rebel." She gave me a rock hand sign. 🤘 I chuckled. We headed out to the car, Levi decided to drive. I was mildly shocked when Annie got into he back. I knew her and Mikasa were seeing each other.
"Really, your introducing her to the parents?" I asked.
"Thought I should." I shrugged.
Mom was thrilled to see me walk in. I wasn't at all surprised to see Historia there as well. I hugged her.
"I didn't realize just how tall you had gotten." She cried.
"Yeah, I look smaller sitting down." I teased.
"You really look good, Eren." Dad stated. I smiled at him.
"Thank you. Um dad, can I talk to you a minute?" I asked. He looked surprised, hell they all did. He agreed and followed me outside. I leaned against the car, not really sure how to say this.
"I wanted to apologize." I began.
"For what?" he looked taken aback.
"For treating you like a monster when this happened." I gestured to my leg. "I still feel like there should have been time to come up with something a little less drastic, but I understand the situation you were in." He blinked at me. "I get why it was needed. You saved my life. So thank you." I held my hand out.
Tentatively he took it. "Eren, I..." He pulled me into hug me. It was the first time in almost fifteen years since he had. "I'm sorry. About Zeke, about your childhood about messing up your life. I'm sorry!" He patted my back.
"About Zeke. I think I need to hear all you know about his story. I think, if he is your son, he maybe the brains behind the Titans."
"I wish I could say he wouldn't do that. Zeke was always a bright child. I will tell you his story, but after breakfast. I think your commander, husband and captain need to hear it as well. Maybe even Armin." He thought about it and nodded.
"Let's enjoy breakfast first." We walked back into Levi and Historia arguing.
"He doesn't even like strawberries!" Levi yelled.
"Yes he does. We picked them all the time! His favorite milkshake is strawberry!"
"It's chocolate you insane human!" Levi yelled. I laughed.
"Actually it's peanut butter, but they don't make them in very many places." I sat down beside my husband. Kissing his temple I chuckled. "Glad to see you're getting along." Levi glared at me. He ordered his tea, egg white and spinach omelet with feta cheese and diced tomatoes. I smirked healthy little runt.
We talked about nothing much. Dad and mom were mildly surprised that Mikasa was dating a girl.
"I thought you liked Eren." Mom whispered.
"I do, for an older brother." She snipped at me. "I'm bisexual, I like guys too. Currently though, I like Annie." She stated as controlled as she could. I gave her a thumbs up. She hissed at me.
Once breakfast was done, Mikasa, mom and Annie took their car to go shopping. Dad came back with Levi and I to debrief.
"What's going on?" Mikasa asked hugging me by the cars.
"Dad's going to tell us about Zeke." My arms tightened around her as she flinched back. "I will record it all and play it back for you. Right now, mom needs you." I let her go and she agreed. She hugged Dad and we separated. Now maybe I could get some answers as to what the hell was happening to my world.

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