My favorite frienemy

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Eren POV

I was watching the senior Dr. Hange working while I waited. "How long is my dear brother laid up for?" I asked.

"Usually 48 hours at best." He only answered direct questions and never supplied more information.

"If I escape, you know I'm dragging your ass with me, right?" I told him.

"Master, nor his puppets, will let that happen." Hange told me.

"Well, I can deal with his puppets." I smirked.

"You can't even walk. Your friend can't get inside, so what do you plan to do?" Hange demanded.

"I..." I began but the door burst open. A tall blond kid was pushing a stretcher in. Miya was on it writhing in pain.

"Get her over here." Hange was on his feet. He began setting up to deliver the woman's child. A hand snatched mine.

"Promise me, you'll get my children out of here." She begged me.


"She's pregnant with triplets." Hange informed me.

"Is master the father?" I growled.

"No, he can't have children. That's why he wanted these to experiment with." Hange was doing like six things at once.

"I'll get you all out of here." I promised.

"Nothing will save her life." Hange informed me. I growled. My eyes went skyward. It was three hours later, while I sat holding the first of the three kids born to a mother who had died thirty minutes ago, that I saw him. Jean was back. I nodded once he told me what I needed.

"How were you getting the children out of the lab?"

"Asahi has the ability to move through several of the labs." I turned to look at the blond. He sat watching the girl. I went over to him.

"You wanted to be the father, help me save them." Dead eyes turned to look at me. His head nodded slowly.

"He took everything from me." He whispered. I told him what we needed, he left to get it. By the time he came back, all the children where born, breathing and ready for transport. Asahi placed them into moveable incubators. Two boys and a girl. I sighed. This was going to be tricky.

"Let's go." I ordered. I stood, Hange gave me a set of crutches, it would be faster. We went to the door. I gripped a makeshift spear in one hand. Asahi got the door opened. I swung out. The knife end of the spear cut through the first layer of skin on the titan's neck. He was big, and this knife wasn't as good as my swords. Damn! I swore. I grabbed ahold of his shoulder pressing the knife deeper. Before I could behead it, it flung me down the hall.

My shoulder struck the floor as my body came to rest. That fucking hurt! I turned knowing the thing would be on me soon. Instead I was left speechless. This was definitely Zoe Hange's father. I watched as he swung up slicing the head off of the thing by using my crutch as a baseball bat.

"Yeah, way to go, dad!" I cried. He snorted as he pulled me to my feet. We followed Asahi down a long corridor. Jean was right above us. We darted through several more calling for those who wanted to escape to follow. I had to admit, a part of me felt like the pied piper leading the rats away from the city.

"This is as far as I have clearance. The outside doors are through three more doors." Asahi told us.

"Then I guess we fight our way out." I still had the makeshift spear knife. Knowing it didn't work so well, wasn't a morale booster.

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