Battle plans

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(Levi POV)
Church was annoying me. I just wanted to think. There was something under Hange's words. Something, if one stupid brat thought about it, that was going to make me kill every last Titan. I didn't care if they were fleshy robots. They were after what was mine. What I fought so hard to get. Why couldn't we just be happy? First it was his father that separated us, then this school, now....
I kicked out sending Church flying on his ass. They were laughing. That was good. Anything to stop Eren from thinking what I was. I held him in my arms kissing him while everyone watched. He pulled back slightly.
"What?" he asked looking into my eyes. I couldn't help it. I tried not to say it, but the way he was looking at me.
"You're gonna do something stupid aren't you?" I muttered.
"Oh, you mean like allow Zeke to kidnap me, while wearing a wire so Hange can track me and we find the base?" he tilted his head mocking me. I slapped him before burying my face into his chest.
"Yes, that stupid!" I growled.
"Let's get these guys on wires, Ackerman." He ordered backing away.
"Don't call me that!" I yelled at him. He was a few steps away. He turned his head over his shoulder.
"Yeager, let's go!" He held out his hand to me. I took it. Falling into step with him.
"It's not a bad idea..." Erwin muttered behind me. I snarled. Church, for once, was silent.
Armin had the others lined up. We had order Mobit to join us for this. It looked like Ymir was already in her gear. She was helping Krista. Armin and Petra were working on getting Isabel set up. She kept wiggling and laughing. Mobit looked put together.
"ATTENTION!" I barked walking up. Instantly Armin and Petra straightened. Isabel giggled but stood tall. Ymir flipped around to face me. Krista looked like she was a spider tangled in a web. What were they doing to her?
"Cadet Lenz, what happened?" I asked strolling over to her.
"I think I hit the wrong buttons." She muttered. I glared.
"These are life saving equipment for any B.R.A.T pilot. You need to be able to get into it in less than three minutes, or die." I warned.
"Yeager, show them." I demanded. It was mean of me I know. It had been awhile since he was in the gear. I wanted to reassure myself he was still adept at it. I clicked the stop watch. Eren strolled over to his gear. He picked it up, smirked at me and put it on. When he was done I stopped the watch.
I smiled as I held it out for the others to see. "This while he was being a cheeky ass brat." I slapped his ass. It was like he was expecting this. He let a little of his gas out of the canister.
"Why, Captain!" He looked coy. I rolled my eyes. The cadets laughed.
"My husband appears to have a sense of humor. I don't." I warned.
"Not true." Eren muttered. "It's just buried way, way, way down!" He giggled. The cadets snickered.
"Don't make me hurt you." I warned.
"Don't threaten me with a good time." He teased. I narrowed my eyes. He wasn't usually like this in front of them. He was going to do it. The first chance he got, he was going to go after Zeke.
"Eren..." I breathed out gaping at him.
"Not now." He warned. I shook myself.
"Ral, Ackerman, fix her." I ordered Petra and Mikasa, pointing to Krista. They moved to do so. I walked over to Isabel.
"She's extremely ticklish." Armin told me. I showed her, while putting on my gear, what she needed to do. She did it herself just fine.
"Alright." I nodded.
"Levi Squad Assemble!" Eren cried out.
Eld, Olo, and Gunther led the others out of the trees to line up behind Eren. Thirteen members. That's all I had. Yet, they were the best of the best. I smirked at them all.
Annie came rushing up. Eren looked at her. She saluted him. "Sorry sir, I was in a meeting with General Pixus. My little brother has decided to attend the academy." She grinned. The others applauded.
"Good news. We will keep an eye on him." Eren told her. This meant that he would be offered the chance at becoming a pilot or in the Levi squad. It would only be a chance. He would have to work hard for it.
"Fall in." Eren ordered her. Annie quickly geared up and stood with the others of Eren's unit.
"Cadet Mongolia, you're with Gunther." He stepped forward. "Church, Eld." I ordered. "Lenz, Olo, Ymir Mikasa." I stated. "Mobit, Springer" The squad stepped up to their trainee.
We went through all the basics. Had them go to the balancing apparatus. Ymir, Church and even Mongolia were amazing on it. Eren had to help Olo with Lenz. I walked by observing them.
"The catch is messed up." I heard Eren state. He sent one of my team down to get a new one. It didn't take long for them to return. Eren swapped it out and Lenz was able to balance. Mobit needed some assistance but he also got it in the end.
Next we took them through the training field. They learned how to anchor and use the gas canisters. Church slipped once when he anchored in a bad place. He recovered quickly, something I liked to see.
"They're doing well." Eren said as he swung past me. I loved watching him fly. They way he looked on the wires was incredible to me. I felt my heart race as he came up under Armin. The blond didn't see him.
Armin swung one way as Eren went to go that same direction. They were going to tangle! I was about to swoop in when, Eren twisted in mid air. He did a sort of somersault and sent his anchor to a bad spot. It caught and he used his gas to keep on his path. His other anchor released.
"Eren!" Church cried knowing his main anchor wasn't secure. Out of nowhere Jean was there. He held his hand out. Eren caught it. The horse faced pilot swung his commander out of harms way. Eren set his anchors better.
Once everyone was through and lined up on the other side, I strolled between the ranks. The Levi squad was lined up just behind the new cadets. The B.R.A.T. unit facing them.
"How many observed a teammate in danger?" Every hand in both Eren's and my units went up. Only one of the Recruits did. Ymir. I frowned.
"We are a team. One unit, one body. You have two missions every time you put this gear on." I called. "What are they?" I demanded.
"Do the mission assigned, bring everyone back!" the units called out.
"That means not only do you know your exact location at all times, you know your teams location!"
"Cadet Kristin, how did you know Lt. Commander Yeager needed assistance?" I asked.
"I saw him and Ensign Arlert heading for the same point. Yeager saw Arlert first. He changed his trajectory. I continued to observe his path. He anchored in the same location Cadet Church fell from. I moved into a position to assist." He answered.
"He knew, before Lt. Commander Yeager was in any danger, that he would need assistance. This is what the Levi Squad is known for. We fly, but we fly together. Now, let's play a game."
They separated the units. The fourteen members of the Levi squad versus Eren and his five pilots, including Armin. The cadets went with him. To everyone's surprise Commander Smith and Hange out to join Eren's team. They brought another member to even up the sides.
The game was simple. Each team had a goal. They would have to defend while trying to make points on the other team. The Levi squad nearly always won, but this game wasn't about winning or losing. It was about getting the recruits to pay attention to everyone around them. Plus, it gave them good practice on the wires.
Eren kicked it off by tossing the ball up in the air. Annie caught it first. She quickly passed it to Jean, who went to send it over to Marco. However Mikasa came up from under him. She snatched the ball out of the air. Spinning she sent it flying right at me. I smirked as I turned to catch it.
But fucking bushy eyebrows got there first he launched the ball towards the ground where shitty glasses caught it. She swooped up to Eren. The guys long arms over shot Connie and he scored the first point.
Krista got the rebound from Marco. She flipped upside down on her wires. Isabel snagged it out of her hands. Crying out a war screech, the redhead swung directly for the goal. Olo and I moved to intercept. This girl was cagy. She shot the ball, not at the goal but sideways.
Church caught it. He spun in the air to send the ball back towards our goal. Eren batted it away from Eld, Sasha swung up to try and grab it but Ymir was there. She slammed the ball into the goal.
"Damn, how are we losing?" I heard Connie mutter. They scored three more goals before we got on the board. Mobit was all but hopeless on the wires. At least he appeared that way, until he got his hands on the ball, then he was like a mad truck. He barreled through my guys, shooting the ball to Hange.
She batted it off sides to Erwin, who swung upwards. He came down right over our goal. I cried out orders. We should be winning. They had the inexperienced cadets playing with them!
My squad got the ball. We managed to even up the score before Eren rose up snatching it away from Connie once more. We played the reminder of the afternoon. The time on the wires did the recruits well. They greatly improved as the game wore on.
Once we landed and stripped out of the gear, I marched up to Church. "You did well, welcome to the Levi squad." I held my hand out. He beamed shaking it.
"B.R.A.Ts won seventy two to sixty eight." Armin called after reading the score totals.
"Way to go." I called out. We made a barbecue for the evening meal. I smiled over to my brat.
"Eren?" I asked.
"Not tonight. We will discuss it with the brains and come up with a safe plan, I swear, I will return. No matter what, Levi, I will ways come back for you." He kissed me to still my worries.
"You better, brat. I love you too much to lose you." I hugged him tightly.

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