New Recruits

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Levi POV
Eren was a bit of a jerk when it came to meeting the new recruits. We all loved seeing it though. Usually he would ordered them to appear in the lab early in the morning. Yet, Hange still had most of the lab closed off as she did who knows what with her ideas on Zeke. Armin was able to sneak in and bring out the training bot. He was getting pretty good with it. Whenever I bring up the idea of him joining the B.R.A.T unit, Eren shuts me down. One time it came to him yelling at me and storming away. He was protecting that kid with everything he had.
Today we were outside. The Levi squad was geared up hanging around in the trees. Petra, Jean, Marco and Annie stood at attention just off to our left. We were well hidden. The five new recruits walked up, being led by Armin. He was giving them the tour of the place. Picking out the princesses cousin was easy. They looked nearly identical.
Armin lined up the five recruits, three females and two males. The air of excitement grew. None of us knew how Eren would introduce himself. Often it had something to do with his missing leg. He liked to joke about it and get the embarrassing issues out of the way first. That's why we were all here.
To my shock, Erwin came walking up with Pixus and Dr. Yeager. Was this part of Eren's plan? I held onto my wires watching. I heard some shuffling within my unit. I scowled. They knew they couldn't be seen. It was part of a training for them as well. We heard it before we saw it. The thundering steps of a machine.
My entire unit went on alert. As far as we knew only the training bot wasn't locked down in the lab. It stood beside Armin currently. The blonde's eyes darted to it now. We tensed, swords were readied. Then I saw it. I chuckled silently. With hand signals I gave the stand down order. They shifted to a relaxed state. Soon everyone could see the large green and white command B.R.A.T walking out from behind the building. This had some of us even more interested.
The unit kept its distance from the humans. It's movements were jerky at first. It stopped, turning in increments to face those lined up. I frowned. What was he up to? As we stood there waiting, the only thing that could be heard was the wind playing with the leaves.
A wave of sound exploded out of no where. It scared more than just the new recruits. My own unit jumped. It was like it was coming from the trees. How did they, no we, all miss the fucking speakers? No sooner did the music start, then the command unit began to dance.
Jean and Marco were struggling not to laugh. Armin had a smirk on his face as we watched the unit grooving to the beat. Eren was pretty good at dancing. Making the unit copy his movements was extraordinary. Some of my unit chuckled too. I signed for silence. Not that it mattered much with the music screaming around us.
It came to an abrupt end. We all were startled at the sudden silence. The command unit held its last pose for a few seconds, before straightening. It turned halfway. The passenger compartment opened as Eren brought the chair out to the elevator. He lowered himself down. Armin shifted to his side, a confused look on his face.
Eren hadn't turned to face the group yet. He was talking to Armin about something. The blond kid looked up to me. He signed, I frowned my fucking little brat! I swore. I ordered Mikasa to reply to the request. She swung out and went inside the house.
Eren stood. One hand on Armin's shoulder, one foot on the ground. He was sideways to the recruits. Hopping, he turned. I swung down to his side. Didn't need the idiot falling over.
"Oh, hey, look, It's Captain Levi!" Eren smiled brightly at me. All of the recruits were gaping at him though. He stood with only one leg. Jean, Marco and Petra clapped at my announcement. Eren cheerily wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He looked out at the five recruits.
"It is always an honor when Captain Levi makes an appearance." He smirked. One of the recruits shifted uncomfortably.
"Cadet Isabella Magnolia?" Eren called. The little red head straightened. "Is there something you wish to say?" he asked.
"Um sir, I think you forgot your foot." She called out. Eren laughed.
"I like her." He told me in not so quiet of a voice. "Cadet Furlan Church, why are you looking at the sky?" he asked.
"Um well, sir I uh..." He frowned. I growled. His eyes came down to me.
"You just saw what he can do in that unit, with one leg. Why are you avoiding the obvious?" I demanded. Just then Mikasa appeared. She walked up to her brother, pushing his wheelchair that had his leg in it. Eren sat down. He pulled up his pants leg, affixing the artificial leg to his own. Once he fixed his pants he stood up.
"Only one of you passed your first test. Cadet Magnolia." He told them. Marching up to them. He paced along the line. Stopping in front of her, he saluted. She returned it, looking shocked. "Thank you for having the balls to say something." He told her. Backing up he stood where everyone could see him.
"In this unit we are a family. You speck up about anything. Out here we are the front line. Anything odd can mean an attack." He pointed to the unit. "I can make that machine do anything I want, even with one leg. If you are chosen to pilot one, you best make it your own." He stated. "I have chosen to dedicate my life to my unit. A sacrifice I made willingly. Each of you may be asked to do the same. You will not be regarded as anything but heroic if you chose not to become a pilot." I watched ad Eren met each of their eyes.
"Just standing here, today, in that uninform proves you are brave. Nothing else can take that away from you." He stated.
"Hear, hear!" Jean yelled. Eren smirked.
"Questions?" he asked. The shorter male raised his hand. Eren snorted.
"You're not in school Cadet Berner." Eren told him.
"Right, um sir, what are they doing?" he pointed behind us. We turned. Hange was poking, with a stick, under the house. I rolled my eyes.
"Who knows? Maybe one of her creations got lose again." Everyone but the cadets laughed.
"Again?" the small blonde girl asked. Eren gave a cheeky grin.
"Captain Hange Zoe is our resident mad scientist. Mostly they're harmless..." He made a face.
"Yeah, if you don't mind losing a limb or two." Jean stated. All the cadets eyes went to Eren's leg. No one could keep a straight face. Well, one did.
"How can you joke about what he went through?" Dr. Yeager demanded.
"Because, dad, if we didn't, we would all be insane." Eren stated looking the most serious he had since exiting the unit. Marco, Petra and even Annie nodded. Jean fixed his gaze on Eren who nodded.
"That's not how I lost my leg by the way." He said to the recruits. "My dad cut it off."
"Technically the truth, but jeesh, throw the guy under the bus!" Marco snorted.
"How did you lose your leg, sir?" the red-haired girl asked. "A Titan didn't bite it off did they?" she wrinkled her nose. Eren groaned.
"Could you imagine that?" he smirked at me. Turning back to her he added. "No, I lost it due to my high-school bully showing up, getting captured, escaping then stabbing me in the leg with a poisoned knife. To keep the poison from reaching my heart and killing me, my father, Doctor Yeager, amputated the leg." He stated. They all looked impressed by this. The Historia twin stepped forward.
"Lieutenant Commander Yeager?" she addressed him.
"Yes, Cadet Lenz?" he asked.
"My cousin has spoken very highly of you, yet all I see is a juvenile boy." Eren nodded.
There were gasps.
"Very true, Cadet. Here, while we are relatively safe, you will learn is the time to destress. Be childish, goofy, but don't do anything that will harm yourself or anyone else here. I'm very protective of my people."
"Don't make him mad, you won't like him when he's mad." Marco teased. Jean and Annie snickered.
"You're not going to reprimand her?" Cadet Church asked.
"For asking a question? No."
"For being disrespectful!" he cried.
"That wasn't disrespectful. We are all human here. We need to trust each other to fight beside one another. She had an honest..." there was a loud boom. We spun seeing smoke coming up from the back side of the house.
"Stupid shitty glasses!" I yelled swinging up on the gear to get around and see what she was doing. I gasped seeing her laying on the ground next to the house. One arm out with the stick in it.
"Are you alright?" one of the recruits had reached the scientists side.
"Hange?" Erwin, and the others came around. The stupid idiot was starting to stir. I swung down beside Eren.
"Found it." The idiot mumbled.
"Found what?" Erwin asked.
"Oh, I um set some things out and one didn't come back. It showed it was under the lab." They waved away the concern and used the recruit to get to her feet.
"Why were you sending out confusion bombs?" the Cadet asked. Hange's eyes glowed she squealed.
"Oh, you figured it out. Well, see they were only bombs if poked wrong or picked up or something." She was waving her hands in the air. "I didn't want the information falling into the wrong hands." She giggled.
"A recording device huh?" he asked. He moved to where the stick was. Bending down, he reached under the house. We all rushed to stop him, yelling out various warnings. He stood up with a blackened sphere in his hands. Soot came off on his clothing.
"I think we might be able to salvage the recording." He said.
"Of course, I can."
"Eren, who is this lovely, lovely man?" Hange turned to face my husband.
"Cadet Mobit Berner." Eren stated. Hange slipped her arm in his.
"He's mine, I'm stealing him go away." She yelled. We shook our heads.
"Sort of seen that coming." Eren muttered.
"Well, how about we try the rest of you out on the unit?" he asked.
"Is she sane?" Cadet Magnolia asked.
"We don't dare get her tested." Eren said pushing the small girl before him back towards the bots. Jean and Marco were leaning on each other holding the other up. Since they both were laughing so hard.

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