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Eren POV

Life. It is a mysterious and wonderful thing. Twenty five years ago, I left the military. My husband had left a year before me. He had taken our kids. That was hard. That last year was my worst. I was angry at everything aside form the few minutes a day I got to talk to him. The kids grew swiftly.

I'm glad the don't recall the first years of their lives. A year living on a military base, another without one of their parents. I will never forget stepping off that plan. Seeing my boy run up to me, My husband, carrying his twin, falling into my arms. Having my life back. That's what it felt like.

Mom and dad had helped Levi in that year, thankfully. I think he would have gone insane otherwise. They came over, a little slower than my husband and sons. My daughter was cradled in her grandmother's arms as I kissed her sleeping head. Armin and Mikasa left with me. Jean, Connie, Sasha, Marco, all the others stayed. They drifted in and out of our lives over the years.

We built our own home. We left two rooms open at all times. Everyone from the Levi Squad and the B.R.A.T unit knew, no matter where they were in life, if they needed a place to crash, our door was always open. Slowly they all left the military as well.

Hange and her father opened a lab together. Moblit married into that wacky ass family. They never had time to have kids, but who would be able survive them as parents? Zoe Hange got ten more years with her father, before the big C took him permanently from her life.

Armin worked with them for a year or so, but he wasn't feeling the reward. His mind needed greater challenges than that. He went on to become an FBI agent. He was a great profiler. I was sad he wasn't around as much. This was the guy who was always at my side. He always had my back. He still did, but he traveled a lot.

Mikasa and Levi opened up a security agency. They did great. There were a few lean years, but what do you expect when you have triplets to raise. Mikasa eventually married Annie, who left the military four years after us. She owns her own gym and teaches hand to hand self defense classes. They have two kids. They don't live far from us, and we have dinner every Sunday.

Connie and Sasha left the military and married. They decided they didn't want kids. They travel and write a global hot spot magazine. It's fun to read their adventures. Jean and Marco stayed in the second longest. They eventually left a few years ago. Thy opened their own private detective agency.

To everyone's great surprise, Furlan and Isabel got married. He became a house husband since Izzy became a very hard to beat lawyer. She often uses Jean and Marco to find information if she needs it. They have four kids, their youngest just started school.

Petra married an old high-school flame. We don't hear much from her, but every year we get a Christmas card that updates us on her life that year. She never had kids. I think she may blame Hange for it. Something to do with the node. Yet, Isabell had no issues, so who knows.

Olo, Gunther and Eld, they never left the military. Shortly after Levi and I left, they were on a mission. No one survived. The story was their vehicle exploded after hitting a land mine. None of us believe it. But we never could prove anything. We only stopped looking when Erwin asked us to.

My folks traveled for a time back to help dad's home land. Even that had to stop as he aged. He finally turned it over to Hange. They retired. Watched their grandkids grow. They had a happy life. Mom died six years ago. I still find it hard to deal with that loss. She had been, and still remains, a great driving force in my life. Dad didn't survive long without her. Six months later and I was an orphan.

Zeke's body was never found. There were many that were burned beyond all recognition. Who knows if one was his, or if he managed to escape us. Sometimes I think he is out there. Even if, by now, his illness should have killed him. Hange and I discuss the topic a lot. We have fantasized about him making some master Titan that he just put his brain into. It's a fun pastime for us.

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