Pretty sure im in the middle of a manic episode.

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Movie attendant: Sir is that a monkey
Travis: This is my emotional support monkey. 

"Huh." Conner said, gazing out at the castle that was in high alert and only slightly on fire.  "I might just take credit for this." 
"I think you mean blame."

Jackie to a infuriated Markus: Are you okay?
Markus: Please give me a reason not to commit murder today.
Jackie: uhh, you're a good person.
Markus: Debatable. 
Jackie: Blood is hard to clean up.
Markus:I do it all the time.
Jackie: There is no Netflix in prison. 
Markus: Thank you.

Jazz: It sparkles and shimmers and gleams and shines. I must have it for my nest.

Annabeth: What's the catapult for?
The usual culprits: Tempus Fugit!
Percy: Goes flying

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