4 years ago

18 1 0

Chapter 3:
Kai was my best friend since we were kids. He knew me better than anyone and my parents loved him like their own son. And his parents loved me the same even though we were a chaotic pair. Always getting into trouble and being scolded..
    4 years ago after my parents died I had nothing left. I didn't know anyone that would take me in. I was only 15 and so Kai's parents welcomed me with open arms. I was lost.. Unsure of what I had to. Only knowing that I saw it. I saw them die in-front  of me. 2 wooden bullets. Each piercing their hearts..
       I only told Kai what had happened to them.The first night I stayed with him at his place. He didn't force me to talk about it after that. He didn't care. He just wanted to keep me alive. It was like everything was on pause for me. I was confused and upset.. Angry even. Kai noticed and he'd always attempt to cheer me up. He never told anyone either. When asked if he knew, he'd always lie. For my sake.
When I turned 16 it was the hardest. I began to run away. Not coming back until Kai found me. Yet, when he did find me the first time we argued. I didn't want to go back. Yet he insisted I go back with him. Around this time is when I started smoking. Kai eventually joined in on his own. We eventually made up though.

"Hey, It's time to get up."

I open my eyes slowly as I wake up in my bedroom within Akitos estate. Kai's voice running through my head as a whisper.. "Listen I know you're tired but if we don't get up now moms gonna have a fit." I brush a hand through my hair as I stare at the ceiling.

"Damn it Kai." I mumble shutting my eyes as I sit up. Akito took me in. I know I can't leave here. How am I supposed to go back? Their son is dead and they don't even know it.
    I open my eyes and throw on black jeans and a black buttoned down shirt before exiting my room. Maxis has done several tests on my blood stream and he's come to the conclusion that I'm half human and half vampire. Once Akito found that out he decided he'd allow me to go out and do tasks for him in town since he can't send regular vampires out. However, I had to change my identity when on the outside, including dying my hair. Instead of it being it's dark brown he had me dye in black with a strands of red.

"Hey you're Akitos new pet huh?" A vampire girl says stopping me in my tracks as I enter the cafeteria. "What's your name?" I remain silent as she speaks. "Hello? Can't you hear me?" She seems annoying so I go to walk past her but only for her to grab my arm and drag me back. "I'm talking to you Damnit."

"Bother someone else." I say to her coldly pushing past her again to stand in line to grab some food.

"Now that wasn't nice." A guy my age named Zero says with a smirk. I spare him a glance. Akito told me about him. He's who I'm supposed to go to town with today.. Apparently Akito doesn't like him. "You ready to head out today Juno?"

"Why are we going out again?" I ask as I grab my food.

"We're supposed to meet with one of the royal families that owe Akito." I remain silent. "I'll wait for you out front. However you should go see him before you leave." Zero walks off but I do as he says and make my way toward Akitos throne room where he drinks the blood from one of his servants wrists. I stop as I enter the room, keeping my distance.

"Leave me." He says to the girl as he notices my presence. She does as he says and he beckons me toward him. "You're ready to go out then I assume?"
I nod as he stands and faces me. We made a deal when I decided to stay. He said he'd help me find my parents killers. "Tell me Juno." He appears behind me but I don't move. "Do you feel alive?" He places a hand on my back. "Or do you feel dead?" He doesn't like that I'm half.. He was hoping id be full vampire since he turned me.. He grips the back of my shirt. "You look dead. You've slowly become apathetic. Is it because of your transition?" He appears infront of me placing his hands on my cheeks examining my eyes. "Or is it because of Kai?" I remain still, unsure of what the answer is myself. Akito looks away in annoyance. "You're boring me." He moves his hands away and crosses his arms as he turns away. "So what is it then? Why are you apathetic?"

Chasing Realityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें