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     I slam my baton into Elijah's chest, piercing his heart leaving him frozen in shock as he spouts out blood from his mouth.


     "You're the one who sent Hunters to Akitos estate. You wanted them to kill him but they failed."

      "What?" Akito whispers only to cough out more blood. His injuries are bad.. I need to hurry.

      "And not only did you do that, but you're the reason he's been outcasted this whole time by your damn society." Elijah looks at me with pure hatred. "You issued them the pills that killed them. They didn't plan to commit.. You forced them to overdose."

      "You have, n-no proof." Elijah coughs.

     "Your friend Mary is my proof. She showed me." He freezes glancing her way. "She used too much of her ability and now she's weakened. But she showed me.. All of it." I clench onto my baton tighter. "And now you'll pay. For all of it." I push it deeper into his skin before pulling it out again and his corpse falling to the ground as I take a deep breath. I look back at Akito who is frozen in shock and tears in his eyes and I turn around and sit infront of him.

     "I'm sorry-" I hug him and he tenses up in surprise.

      "I heard you." As the double doors slam open I push myself onto Akito as my body grows weak.
I outdid it..

      "JUNO?!" Akito grabs my face and I open my eyes slowly, my vision a bit blurred. "Juno-"

      "I'm okay." I whisper as Zero and Rin enter with some of our guards. I meet Akitos eyes and as my vision focuses I see how worried he is that he even has tears in his eyes.

"Lord Akito your orders." One of the guards says trying to get his attention. "Lord Akito-"

"SHUT UP!" He yells shutting his eyes while covering his ears.

"Akito.." Rin whispers in surprise. They haven't seen him like this.. They're not used to it. They've never seen him vulnerable. I sit up slowly.
He doesn't know what to do.. He found out the truth about his parents death too. They were murdered. But not by him.

"Shut it all down." I whisper to them. They all look at me in shock now. "You all came to shut down the Senate right? Their leaders gone. Get the rest of them." The guards nod rushing off but two stay as protection. Zero and Rin both glance at Akito again.

"We saw everything but Akito ordered us to standby." Zero whispers.

"We never knew.." Rin adds.

"Go gather the rest of the senate. Make sure none of them resist." They both nod disappearing and I tend back to Akito. "Akito."

"Why?" He whispers, his hands moving down to his sides. "Why are you helping me?" He meets my eyes. "You should be killing me. Not helping me." I remain silent and he grows frustrated and throws himself ontop of me pushing me to the ground as he holds my tie tightly. "WHY DAMNIT?! I KILLED YOUR PARENTS!"


"Because what?! There's no excuse!" The lights begin to flicker as his eyes turn red. The guards watch us unsure of what to do.

"Because that Akito isn't the one I'm looking at now." He freezes, the lights stopping as his eyes go back to normal.

     "Lord Akito." I look back and Akito looks up to see Mary standing. "When the Senate members arrive I plan to tell them the truth. If you're okay with that." I move my eyes back to Akito who remains silent in thought as he still sits ontop of me.

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