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"Mom what makes me special anyways?"

"Now now Juno what did your father and I tell you? That's a secret we've gotta keep until you're older."

"But why can't I know now?"

"Listen Son, your mother and I will tell you everything. We'll tell you how special you really are. You've just gotta wait until you're a bit older."
mom and dad..
"You want their power!"

"You're targeting my son! I won't allow you to put him in harms way!"

"What do stand to gain from this?!"
One shot..

"You killed them! That's why you've come for us!"

"We don't want this for him! We want him to be free from a life such as ours!"
Their death..
"Is it true? You were there when they died?.. I can't imagine what you're going through."


"You're the puzzle piece I was looking for. The perfect fit indeed."

"You know nothing! They hid you because of what they were! They hid you from everything that their life consisted of so tell me! Tell me Juno! Why did they leave you behind?! Tell me if you know!"

I wake up with a gasp of shock from my dream.
So much went into one dream and my head aches in return. I sit up, a hand on my head as I wince and squint at the clock on my dresser. It's 5pm already.
I shake my head and force myself out of bed heading to the cafeteria only to step inside and see the massive line created. I put my hood over my head and make my way back into the hallway listening to everyone's conversations in bits and pieces.

"Dang everyone's hungry." A girl says to another guy.

"I heard it's O positive blood today. It must be popular."

"Has anyone else noticed how Lord Akitos been a bit nicer than usual?"

"I bet it's because of Bash Kains return."

"I like when Bash visits. It helps calm things a bit down around here."

"Is that Juno?"

"He looks hot. It's rare for him to come to the cafeteria right? Should we say hello?"

"He doesn't talk to anyone. I say it's best to keep our distance. He is a pureblood after all."

"That's why Akitos kept him close. I wouldn't doubt he's using him."

I sigh making my way toward the main hall.
There's too many people here.. Too many opinions.
I am hungry though..
I stop by The throne room and glance inside but only to see Akito busy at his desk so I move away and decide to walk out.

"Someone's eavesdropping." I stop looking back to see Bash with a smile. I remain silent as he moves up next to me. "Don't worry, I won't tell."

"Were you following me?" I ask continuing to walk to the main entrance now.

"I was passing by." I nod as he spares me another glance. "I finished what I had planned for the day. Wanna hang out?"

"I'm good." I respond grabbing the doorknob but only for him to stop me.

"Does Akito know where you're going?" I stop and look up at him. "You're his go to person. I'm sure he'd like to know-"

"What are you getting at?" I ask him a bit annoyed. "Was there something you wanted?" Bash sighs.

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