Chapter Eight

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Anna P.O.V.

I was so glad that Sara switched shifts to work tonight, so I could go with Matt. He was humming to the music and still would not tell me where we were going. I just hope I don't start to panic again, but I think I'm going to keep headphones with me so when I start to panic I can just drown it out. It was starting to get dark  which had me nervous about how far out we were going, "Where are we going?" I ask hoping for a different answer than what I have been getting the previous times.

"Here." He said, but where was here? I look at him confused. He just laughs and backs his truck up to the cliff. It was about 4 yards away from the edge, still a little close to me.

"It's beautiful here," I say looking at the sky and the pond below as I walk closer to the edge.

"Ya, I love it here." He hops in the back of his truck, dangling his feet.

"So, this is where you kidnapped me to," I say sitting in the back beside him.

"I didn't kidnap you, you came because you wanted to." He says a little challengingly.

"Ya, Ya, right keep telling your self that," I say getting my backpack out.

"Whatcha doin." He asks looking at me.

"Getting my backpack and doing homework," I explain, he just looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?"

"You're different, you know that you have all of winter break and you chose to do homework on a beautiful night like tonight." He says laying down and putting in headphones and looking up at the sky. I was really cold because I still didn't have my jacket from the store. I kept forgetting it. "You cold?"

"Ya, my jacket is at work," I say shivering a little, my sweater doesn't do much against the cold wind.

"Here I have a warm sweat-shirt you can wear." He says pulling out a sweatshirt from the front.

"Thanks." I gratefully say as I put it on. It was really warm. "Hey," I say hitting Matt on the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" He asks rubbing his arm.

"You can't sleep and keep the music for yourself," I say working on my math.

"Fine, I'll put the music on so you can hear. There better princess?" He asks. I shoot him a glare and he just laughs. "How can you do that so fast?" He asks watching me do the math.

"It's easy," I say smiling a little.

"Ya, right." He grumbles grabbing his backpack. He started but couldn't get the answers right.

"Here I'll help you," I set my papers down to look at what he's stuck on. His phone it lighting the back of the truck so we can see better. 

"I got it." He says defensively. 

I cock an eyebrow "Really?"

He shakes his head. "No."

"Ok, so first we have to get it organized, then simplify, then just add them, and subtract the total from the pounds," I say grabbing his paper.

"What? I didn't catch a word of that." He says confused. I slap my head, I used the most basic terms possible. "Hey, it's not my fault." He says reading the problem again.

"If you'd pay attention in class you wouldn't be so confused," I say turning the music up a little louder. Adele was on, she is one of my favorite female singers. "Ok, one step at a time." After about an hour of hard work, he was almost caught up to me just two more problems. "Ok, try this one." He starts the problem. About the third step in he stopped.

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