Chapter Fourteen

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Once we go to school it was the last period of the day, Drama. We go to my locker. "Ahh, there's my phone," I say grabbing it. "Wow, I have like 40 massages from Rosie." She asks me if I was ok, where I was, and a million other similar questions. I message her back saying I'm at school, doing fine.

Rosie: Thank gosh. You scared the shit out of me.

Anna: Sorry

Rosie: It's fine, just get to class, before you get in trouble.

Anna: Ok

"Come on, we have drama to get to," I say pulling Matt. We went to the stage, but no one was there. "They might be in the classroom." We ran to the classroom. They were watching a movie. "Great."

"What?" Matt asks going to open the door.

"There's a movie on."

"Oh well." He says and opens the door.

"Glad you two wanted to join class today." Our teacher says. We both nod and take seats in the back. After the movie was over we were going to leave, but our teacher stopped us.

"Come here you two." We walk up to his desk. "Why were you late, and don't lie to me."

"We ditc-"

"I had to leave school," I say interrupting Matt.

"Why?" He asked.

"It's a personal reason," I say hoping that he'll drop it. I don't believe he knows about my past since it's not really a class, more of club thing.

"I'm a teacher, you can trust me." He says getting concerned. Matt just looks at me like he was sorry.

"I-I get" I begin trying to get the words out, "panic attacks. And I needed to leave before it became really bad. So Matt drove me out of school and it took a while before I stopped panicking. If anything it's my fault, not h-"

The teacher interrupts me, "Yes, I know about your panic attacks." I look at the teacher confused. "When you ran out of one of the days I asked around with the other teachers to find out if they knew anything. We teachers should know these things."

"No, then you all treat me differently and word begins to spread and eventually it gets to the students."

"A few of your teachers don't know and they have to right to-"

That sparked something in me "No they don't. It's about me. They don't need to know things about me. They are only going to have me for about nine months, then forget about me. So why should they have the right to know things about me? I get good grades that's all they need to be concerned about." I say getting angrier as I talk.

"We are concerned because we want to help you get rid of the panic attacks so you can live life without them. You can trust us, we're here to help you too, not just teach you."

"I can handle it myself, and I'm not going to trust teachers because once you tell one teacher in about a day the whole school knows. So no don't tell me you trust you." I say and turned around. I went to many schools and it always seems to happen. Matt tried to grab me, but I went out of his grasp. I went around the corner and waited to see if they were going to talk. 

"Do you know why she has a trust issue?" I hear the teacher ask.

"No, and when she's ready she'll tell me," Matt says a little angrily.

"I'm not going to hurt her ok, us teachers are here to help." My teacher says.

"I know, she just doesn't talk to people. She's a private person." Matt says seeming to calm down.

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