Chapter Eleven

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"Anna and Mathew," Mr.H. calls.

"Yes?" I ask as we went up to him.

"I don't have the project from last week and I need it in the grades." He says and looks up from his computer.

"I emailed it to you."

"So did I," Matt says. The teacher looks confused.

"Let me check again." He says and started sorting through his mail. "I can't find either of them."

"I'll send it again," Matt grabs his laptop. "It sent." Mr. H looked through his mail. "It's not here."

"Let me see your laptop," I say to Matt. He hands it over. "It's messed up because of the server, you'll have to go to the library," I say and give Matt his laptop back.

"I'll try mine." I grab my laptop. "Is this your email?" I asked and turned the laptop to Mr.H.

"No, there's two rs in Harris."

"Oh, that's the email I used before so it probably went to someone else," I say and put the right email in. "There did it go through?"

He looked again "Yep."

"Ok, thanks, sorry about not getting it on time."

"It's fine, just make sure you can take that test in a month."

"I will," I say and walk back to the desks.

"I can't believe I didn't check to make sure it went through," Matt says looking at his laptop and shaking his head.

"At least he let us put it in and get a grade on it!" I say not really caring and close his laptop. "You should bring it down to the library to get it fixed so you don't get in trouble again."

"Ya, good idea." He walks up to the teacher.

"Hey Anna." Someone says. I turned around to see Nate.

"What do you want?" I annoyedly ask that he was talking to me. Guy doesn't seem to get when someone doesn't want to see his ugly face.

"So I heard that Matt stayed at your house the other night." He says smirking.

"Ya, his roommate needed the house because his family was coming over," I say not knowing where this was supposed to go. I don't understand why he would even care anyways. 

"Right, slut." He said and then poured his girlfriends coffee on me. "Oops sorry."

"You jerk," I say standing up and going to the bathroom. "I had to wear white, I couldn't have worn black or even brown, no it had to be white," I grumble to myself. After about 10 minutes of trying to get the coffee out, I go to my locker. "Fudge. I brought my gym clothes home yesterday." I whispered to my self. I don't have any extra clothes with me.

Anna: Do you have anything I could wear, Nate pored coffee on me and I don't have spare clothes

Rosie: No, just a tank top, but it's small for your top

Anna: Darn it, oh well

Rosie: Sorry

Anna: It's not your fault it's just sucks

Rosie: Ya I know, gotta go

"Great," I mumbled to myself. It looks like I'm going have to wear a stained shirt all day and it's only second period. He calls me a slut, obviously, he doesn't know the girls he dates. I start walking back to the room when I trip on a chair in the hallway and then ran right into the wall stubbing my toe. "Owww, again really," I grumble and grab my foot because I keep stubbing the same damn toe.

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