What if you were right the first time?

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Kid leaned against the doorframe of the hotel's back entrance.  He watched as two special unit officers carried his unconscious brother into the van.  He chewed on the inside of his cheek knowing Alistair would most likely react violently and irrationally to this once he was released. 

Alistair's body was hung low like a hammock as they put him in the van.  Malakai, Marcus, and Jackson followed without question. The council agreed to let Nathaniel accompany them to keep the peace and use his supernatural strength both as vampire and witch if danger arose. 

"Nathaniel?"  Dalia called out to him as he hailed down a taxi.  He turned to face her. 

The vision of her standing before him in a white dress against her dark shimmering skin, enchanted him.  He felt the air leave his lungs.  Dalia, however, immediately felt guilty gazing into his pure eyes.

Dalia never met anyone as pure as Nathaniel.  His young features carried an air of innocence.  Some witches can feel or see the aura, the energy fields, of others and she could both feel and see his warmth and bright light shine a ray of hope around him, anywhere he went. 

Dalia can see the colours around him.  He shone a shade of blue, violet, and indigo.  She wasn't surprised. His last name, O'Sullivan, translated to one eyed or hawk eyed.  Nathaniel was highly observant, was keen on details, and was very intuitive.  The three colours proved he was sensitive, loyal, intuitive, spiritual, and kind.

He watched Dalia struggle to speak.  Nathaniel's powers were different and he couldn't see her aura, but his intuition was impeccable.  He knew she was the one for him.  Although she was cold and cautious to open up, he saw that as strong willed.  Her self respect and integrity were his favourite traits of Dalia, and he thought them more beautiful than her timeless beautiful exterior.  He knew she wouldn't compromise those traits for anyone.  He pressed his lips down into a kind smile, letting her know he trusted her actions today.

Dalia felt the dry lump in her throat.  She knew he meant it.  "...thank you."  She whispered.

"I know I can trust you...but I need to know--"  Nathaniel was careful in his words.  Dalia was as intuitive as him and interrupted.

"Yes."  She knew his question.  " I knew the council threw Darla into the other world, a week now."  She spoke truthfully.

Nathaniel knitted his brows confused at her revelation.  His eyes searched hers.  She was hard to read.

"And that's all I know."  She lied.  Dalia was hard to read and she watched as Nathaniel stood silent searching her face for any warning signs.  He sighed, lowering his gaze.  She searched his face apologetically and watched him shift in his stance, carefully treading.  All he could hear were Alistair's words, warning him of Dalia's intentions.  We're being set up and we need to go home. Alistair said.

"I believe you."  Nathaniel met her eyes.   He turned to the honking as the taxi pulled up.  He turned to face her. "Do you wanna come with me?"

Dalia raised her brows sighing.  "Oh yes, I am not missing one goddamn second of Alistair waking up in a jail cell."

Nathaniel laughed and held the door open to the backseat.  He smiled at Dalia who smiled but abruptly dropped her expression searching the area around them before she moved into him, kissing him on the cheek.  A stern expression took over her soft affectionate one.  She was not one for displays of affection.

His head bashfully dropped and he smiled to himself feeling the lines around his eyes pull back.  This was her way of expressing her love.

Nathaniel remembered what Tabitha once told him when he visited her shop, Tabitha's Enchanted Emporium:

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