Part 2: I'm Your Man In The Moon

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This is what happens when boys break my heart ---I write a love story for us all to have. and I couldn't be happier with Darla and Kid's pure romance.

We finally get to see Kid and Alistair's childhood (just a glimpse) And it tells you everything you need to know.

Darla and Kid melted me here. Their story is my favourite. I wanna go back to 1980's in NYC.

The number is the submarine soundtrack but instead of spelling out March it's just: Marc 14 2011. THE MUSIC IN THIS!!! <3 80s overdose.

One jazzy song of course!

I can't express how much I love this chapter. I will put a warning here, there is mention of domestic abuse. I personally never experienced it but my friends have so I really tried to put myself mentally in this place.

and get ready----for the ending of this chapter.

The engine of his Honda CB450sc, Night Hawk, revved through the East Village.  Kid was on his way to meet Darla for their date.  He passed through a an alleyway, and onto a street. Trendy crowds stood in clusters outside of shops as music played around him.

Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door

Last night a little angel came pumping on my floor

"Meet me by the Death Balloon at 6." Kid heard her say it—- two days ago.  He was a few minutes early.  He rode his motorcycle from the West to the East to see her again. 

She said come on baby, I got a license for love

And if it expires, pray help from above, because

His motorcycle boots peeked through his boot cut jeans. His black t-shirt elongated his thin frame.  He kept his blue leather jacket at home, and opted for a slimmer black leather one. His Death Ramps ring moved with him as he revved up the engine.  A smile was concealed behind his helmet.

In the midnight hour, she cried more, more, more

He turned off 3rd Avenue, turning into 8th street.  Kid was now entering St. Mark's Place, where the pizza shop was located.  He pulled up outside the shop, parking his motorcycle. 

With a rebel yell she cried more, more, more

Taking off his helmet and smoothing down his shaggy hair, away from his eyes, he could hear the music echo all around him. 

In the midnight hour babe more, more, more

He looked around him and saw crowds of punks gathered outside of record stores and bars.  Women with strange hairstyles and vibrant makeup strolled the streets as if it was their personal catwalk.  A smile crept up on his lips taking in the neon signs, bright shops, the fashion and the aesthetic of the district.

This is Darla's world, he thought to himself. 

With a rebel yell more, more, more

More, more, more!

Kid stood outside the Death Balloon with his arms folded against his chest, leaning against his bike. He didn't wear his sunglasses as the sun was just a little past the golden hour.  There was an autumn chill in the air.  The music faded around him as his thoughts went to her.

Darla lived at 96 East and 7th street , a four minute walk from St. Mark's Place in the Hamilton-Holly place.   A small brownstone townhouse building divided into four apartments.  The basement floor of the building belonged to Trash and Vaudeville, a trendy punk clothing shop frequented by David Bowie, Debbie Harry, members of the Clash, The Ramones, and of course Darla's idol, Madonna. 

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