Part 2:...that there's a mirrorball for me.

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Here is part 2.......  And this is the last of the 80's flashback <3  DON'T GET EMOTIONAL.   We are only two chapters away. 

Kid in the flashbacks - Late SIAS look.

Alistair - Dracula look with the longer gelled hair (think of Rio, are you mine live of 2014)

Kid in the current day - bearded 2018 but muscular.

It helps to go back and read "Leader of the Free World" Chapter! and of course the one before this one


Ray buzzed Kid up.

Making his way up the stairwell of an 8 story brown brick building with no elevator, he rehearsed his lines. Two and a half years without a word. Not from her and not from him. He knew his reasons. He loved her too much and it terrified him. But what about her? He thought climbing another step.

Kid sighed, feeling the ascend to the unknown. With every step up the rickety stairs, he felt as if he was fighting a battle between his heart and his head.

The music was getting louder as he made his way up. He focused his hearing picking up on chatter, a crowd. He recognized the Paula Abdul song and smiled to himself knowing it was Ray's music filling the stairwell.

Making his way down the hall to Ray and Carlos's place, he confirmed the music was coming from their place. The door was slightly open and he could see Ray waiting with a bright coloured drink in hand and an equally bright straw hanging from it, his head turned towards the apartment talking over loud music.

"Oh I'm sorry do I know you?" Ray turned to face Kid pouting his lips, staring him up and down. Kid's curly quiff danced over his soft eyes as he reached to palm down the back of his neck.

For the first year after the break up, he saw Ray weekly, even some of Darla's inner circle. It made him hopeful. He thought her sudden non communication was normal, necessary, part of every relationship ending, but he held onto hope mirroring her friends' involvement. It was his first real relationship after all.

After that, he lost hope and couldn't take the constant reminder of her absence.

"I'm—-" Kid began but stopped when Ray stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

"Come here." Ray went in for a hug and Kid didn't have a choice but to awkwardly hug him back.

"You mothafucka." Ray confessed. "Don't you ever disappear like that!"

Kid pressed his lips into a smile and patted Ray on the back. Ray moved back and looked Kid over smiling. Kid looked over Ray's shoulder to the noise blasting from the apartment. "What's going on?"

"Oh–" He pulled Kid away from the door towards the stairwell. "I didn't know that she was planning on seeing you." Ray quickly corrected himself. "Not that I didn't think she'd wanna see you, no! She just never told me...and I had this welcome back thing for her planned and with a whole bunch of people and—" Ray looked over at Kid sensing his nervousness. A sly smile pulled across his lips.


"You have product in your hair."

Kid smoothed a hand on the side of his head. "I always do"

"You haven't for a while. Carlos tells me things you know." Ray squinted his eyes studying Kid. "I'm willing to bet that haircut is about an hour old."

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