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    I don't know where we are going as Daryl leads us through the woods with such a determined pace and direction that his movements seem effortless. I don't recognize anything the more we move. Everything looks the same - like a carbon copy of one another. I just see the same trees and leaves sprinkled around us, no matter how far I feel like we've been walking. Has it only been a few minutes since we left Terminus? The thick scent of smoke still lingering on my clothes - a smell that will surely be glued there for quite a while - makes me feel like we haven't moved at all.

    At some point, I look over to see the chain link fence just off to our left, finding out that we haven't actually made it as far from the overrun compound as I had envisioned. What are we still doing so close? We need to get away from there. With a herd like that entering the place, there's undoubtedly bound to be problems. With the fires still actively smoldering within the depths of the train yard, we should expect more to be drawn to the area.

    "Right here," Daryl finally says, pointing to a tree at our side. He quickly sets me down for a second - in which I'm hardly able to land on my feet -  as his hands dig through a patch of crunchy leaves on the forest floor. He uncovers the small spade that we had left there and tosses it to Rick, who begins frantically digging where Daryl instructs him to.

    That's when I realize that he's getting our bags. I had nearly forgotten about them amongst all the chaos.

    "What the hell are we still around her for?" Abraham asks, his voice booming in the air.

    "Guns," Rick replies quickly as he keeps digging, his focus being completely on that small task. "Supplies, too. Go along the fences. Use the rifles and take out the rest of them."

    "What?" Glenn asks in as much of a surprised tone as I'm feeling inside.

    "They don't get to live," Rick says flatly. Nobody seems to argue that line for a long moment before Glenn speaks up again.

    "Rick, we got out. It's over." Rick uncovers half of the duffle bag and is already grabbing his pistol.

    "It's not over until they're all dead," he says with a grim tone that causes a chill to run up my spine.

    "The hell it isn't! That place is on fire," Rosita disagrees, her voice loud. "It's full of walkers."

    "I'm not dicking around with this crap," Abraham complains. "We just made it out."

    "The fences are down. They'll run or die," Maggie reasons, looking at Rick. Everyone has such good points that I'm not sure whose side I should take. I want them dead for what they did to us, but we shouldn't risk our own lives trying to be the ones to kill them. It's too reckless. We should be lucky we even made it out ourselves and hope that the universe can do its thing when it comes to their revenge.

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