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             Multiple voices echoed "Fire! Fire! Fire!"

For a minute, I thought something was literally on fire. Then it dawned on me that the fire was meant for me and everyone of us thrashing mindlessly on the cold floor.
I clutched my sides in panic, my eyes squeezed shut, my breathing heavy.

A pair of hands tugged at my sides, dragging me to my feet. I staggered, my eyes still shut. My hands clasped my head in them, numbing out the voices, or at least I tried.

Then, another round of loud gibberish words followed. I grabbed anything in sight, not minding what or who they were, but I kept falling.

             Right in the room, a sudden wave of warmth filled the  semi empty space, forcing my body to overheat. Sprinkles of sweat swirled through my body. 

I palmed my face, wiping off the drops of sweat that congregated there. 
My legs made multiple attempts to steady, but they felt useless, as though dipped in a pot of jelly. I wobbled ceaselessly.

             A sea of people came into view, but moved past me as if riding in a  roller coaster. The noise in the background got louder, heightening my disorientation.

          "What did you see?"  His voice snapped me out of the chaos ravaging my brain.
    Blasts of  cold air hits me right out of his mouth.

I crashed on the floor taking the chairs down with me. Astonished, I staggered back up, moving few feet away from him.

He approached me boldly,  speaking some weird language, his eyes pinned on me.

             "Stay back!" I yelled.
He ignored me and continued to speak.

              "What did you see?" The preacher's voice thundered.

Another wave of force bartered me again, this time landing me on the wall. A yelp escaped my mouth, I panted as adrenaline coursed through my veins, urging my body to fight.

I shut my eyes to still myself, my heart pounded loudly in  my chest, my breaths shaky.

        Violently, I sprung up from my laying position and bounced on him.  A scream graced my ears as I sunk my teeth into a fleshy part down his arm.

Multiple Hands freed him from my hold and pinned me to the floor. My body fought viciously, throwing the six men into the air.

Their bodies landed with a thud. I screamed loudly when scattered drops of liquid suddenly smeared my entire body.
A raging heat filled my insides, burning me out. I sprawled down there, suddenly tired. Unable to move.

        The preachers face came into view again, staring me down.  "Again, What did you see?"  His voice pronged my mind into piercing pieces.

The sound of it like pitchforks on my body. I winced, my jaw tightening.
Then, a deafening scream escaped my mouth. I scowled at him in disgust when I recovered a bit, a hiss followed the look on my face.

Gingerly, I  got back on my feet, ready to fight. There was no remorse to my actions. Hate had taken a front row in my head.

I raged at him, flying across the room to launch at him. He braced himself, taking few steps backwards. My face lightened at the fear shimmering on his face. My tongue curled around my lips in satisfaction.

Suddenly, another massive set of hands held me, blocking me from getting  in the face of the preacher.

I  tried to wriggle myself from their grip, and surprisingly, I broke free and ran head on to unleash mayhem on him. He fled behind the door, exiting the church.

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