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I watched them walk into the church, My parents, then her. Their faces looked excited, but hers was sullen.
I caught her gaze do a 360° of the sanctuary. A weak smile crossed her face as she nodded in admiration. She was still wearing the same clothes she had on Friday.
Who could have believed that the appearance of this total stranger had opened my eyes to the things happening around me.

          This morning,Ndroped on her conversation with my Dad. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My father had rambled on about some unusual powers and bragged about sending some demonic entities into her room.
When she told me about the visit from the sudden strangers, honestly I thought she was hallucinating. I didn't believe her.

         But, Hearing my father admit to such wickedness completely unnerved me. Who could have thought that my prayer warrior dad could side with any power different from the power of God.
And like the Holy spirit ministered to me this morning, 'Wisdom will be needed for what is to come.'
However, by the time I'd listened halfway into their conversation, my mind had become a servant to confusion.
And then his voice changed, as though he wasn't the same person who had threatened the young lady.

          As Pastor Kevin's voice hit the microphone, I snapped back to reality. The same red glow spread across his left wrist in a bracelet form and disappeared again. I shook my head.
And then I found another, in the ushering department. Same thing. I mumbled a silent prayer, asking God for mercy.

Glancing through the service pamphlet, I was next after pastor Kevin. With my foot ahead of the other, I moved to the back of the Choir stand and doused myself in silent prayers.
An image of someone moved swiftly away from the pastor's section where I was sure my mother had insisted on.  She took a seat at the open back facing the altar.

         I caught my mom give her a mild glare, but the girl didn't budge. She just sat there flipping through her phone.
After worship, my dad, the senior Pastor of GCWC stood on the stage delivering the word with precision and conviction.
From his sermon, you would think that all is well. Or maybe everything was just rosy and I was just worried for nothing.

           Thirty minutes into the sermon,  my fathers voice began to crack as though he was about to have a heart attack. He clutched his left hand, fighting to stay focused but I saw the struggle going on there.
He spoke few more words and ended his session with an altar call which he passed on to his assistant to finish. His brisk steps went into the hallway that led to the offices, my mother right behind him.
I could have ran after the but worship was next after altar call, so I stayed back agonizing over what could be the cause of his abrupt disappearance.

        Worried glances fell on all those who hoped for a session of prayers and deliverance. I took up the microphone and began to lead the church in the second phase of worship.
The presence of God fell like lighting. Deliverance descended on those who needed it. Healing flowed like a refreshing river and all those who were hungry for a deep ordination form God got filled.
At a point, I prayed silently for myself. This kind of move by the spirit of God wasn't something I could miss just cos I'm a music minister.
But again, I managed to observe Unique holding a tiny glowing globe in her hand, studying it. She's had that since she stepped into the church.
I hadn't even seen her pray or sing. She just sat there staring at that thing with absolute concentration.

The Auditorium was now filled with voices of praying people. Some were already slain in the spirit and others were being ministered to by my team.
        Suddenly, pastor Kevin stepped into the center of the church with his team and started laying hands on people randomly.
His action stirred up anger in my heart and the flow I had in the spirit abruptly cut. I was in between fighting back or holding my peace.
I choose the later after the Holy spirit dealt with my anger. All I did was blast in tongues countering any negative thing in the atmosphere.

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