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            I returned to the church auditorium, sprinting my way into the few number of people standing lazily by the door. My foot slowed down as I made my way into the entrance. The thunder storm and dark clouds had dispersed.

I glanced over at the reception, no one was there except for Miss Joy. I stood there for few minutes studying her.

No one could tell if she was the real one or a copy. She caught my gaze and lowered her head gently.
Miss Joy saw to the needs of almost fifty pastors and attended to the counselors attached to them. Their feeding and other things were  in her hands. She had access to all of the pastors' offices except for my Dad's.

         Having worked for the church since the inception, there was literally no need to doubt her. I stole another glance at her and sprinted off to meet my team.

Most of them were still hanging around, but from the look of things, they were mostly done. I stopped to catch my breath, panting as though I hadn't been exercising all my life.

          "Jacob, are you alright?"

My senses were like a scattered antenna that I didn't see my father approach. I had so much in my head that I just wanted to gather my thoughts.
His voice reconstructed my mind that I finally lifted my head to see the worried expression on his face.

By the time I could come up with an answer, his hands were already on my shoulders. My father and I shared almost the same height only that he won the competition by a few inches. He slowly led me to his office that was by the corner.

When I finally lowered my self into his personal chair. He was already supporting himself on his table while staring at me.

             "What happened?"

My eyes glazed over as I tried to decide which of my encounters to share with him. When I returned my gaze on him. I shook my head. "I really can't tell you."

He squeezed his face in disappointment. "You have to tell me!" He blurted out, angrily.  My eyes opened wider at his out burst.

           "Yes!  What?...... what is it?" His tone ricocheted through me and I shuddered.
         "Dad?" I placed my hands on his thighs. "Looks like you are the one who needs to confide in me. What's eating you up?"

He took my hands in his and averted my gaze. His Adams apple went up and down and then I knew he was fighting tears. I placed my other hand above his...... " You can tell me, please."

He simply shook his head. "Its nothing son. The travails of a minister comes with his calling. His tests are never ending."

         "I don't understand."
         "I know, but whatever you are running from, make sure you can turn the tide and fight back." I nodded.

We were not telling each other anything, yet we understood that there are personal battles that must be handled personally.

I could have told my dad what the last twenty four hours had harvested. But I was again obeying that gentle voice.
I looked up at him again and gently pulled my hands away.

           "Peace Dad, Peace." I patted his back before walking away, leaving him still leaning on his huge table.

           Only few steps out of my fathers office, I spotted Unique sliding away from the church. I wondered where she was when I stepped in. A device glowed in her hands as she hurried out of the church.

I peeled my eyes off her and spotted few of my team members. We took a little time to rehash the events of the previous worship meetings.
When the meeting was over, I stepped out of the auditorium just to get a quick fresh air and to think.

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