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          My eyes glanced at the few people  who were still laying on the floor. Some jerked back and forth, others completely knocked out. Presumably from another round of deliverance session. I wondered if their devils were stronger than mine.

My heart began thumping in my chest as soon as the circle seemed complete. A wave of fear overshadowed me, thumping dangerously in my chest. I wanted to run and end this nonsense.

           "Do not fret. Please join us." Jacob whispered into the room. He was late,  and pushing himself through an unknown door, he looked worn out.

          "You..... too?"

He shook his head mildly, "We are here for you. Be not afraid."

I documented the faces of the people seated before me, they were the same ones from the previous night. I murmured a greeting at them, still standing.
A short prayer was said by the pastor and the meeting commenced.

          "I really do have a reservation about almost a dozen people counselling me at the same time'.  I thought wearily, as soon the prayers ended.

          "These are part of the prayer team and they are not here to ridicule you, they are here to back you up in prayer. Even though their mouths are sealed,  their hearts are praying." Jacob answered meekly, picking my thoughts apart.

I flashed a furious gaze his way. "Get off my head!" I barked, staring sternly at him. He chuckled but held back a response.

          A  long yawn escaped one of the team members mouth. A dark red glow passed through the veins on his left hand. I gasped, he quickly covered it with his right hand.

My questioning glare descended on him and he pried his eyes away from mine.

            "Who are these people?' I muttered to my self.

During my previous session, I also observed he was one of those who seemed  aloof in the happenings around here. His mind was millions of miles away.

Right there, I  was too sure non of them have had a complete rest. And, as far as I knew, they'd been praying all night.' And this, their weakness, I would use to my advantage.

The one who yawned looked at me and shook his head. "Intense praying and fasting is an integral part of this team. Men ought to pray and not faint. This is our lives, don't think you'll find weakness here. You can't manipulate us."

I smiled inwardly. 'Was he trying to convince me now?'

I peeled my eyes away from him and rested it on my toes. There would always be a loop hole, a weak link, and I would manipulate it as long as possible. And now I had found one.

A wave of something flashed across Jacobs face as the last man spoke. I sensed the tension between them. My eyes followed his eyes as they darted from his Dad to they said man.
I pushed the observation to the back of my mind. I would deal with that later.

         Pastor Adrian turned to the man who looked tired. "Pastor Kelvin? Is everything alright? Or are you sensing something in the spirit?"

I almost laughed inwardly. I'd seen the same dark red glow pass through the man's left hand. I took his form in for a minute before Jacob's strained glare caught him off guard.

The man swallowed words that would have sprouted out of his mouth and simply bowed his head and said, "No."

           My gaze went back to the rest of the group, assessing them one after the other. Different heart beats thumbed in my ears. I tried to block them out but they got louder.

Then I saw pastor Adrian approaching. Must've been his heart pounding like a raging lion. 
The things I'd been able to see and feel these last few hours had been mind blowing. Abilities I didn't know I possessed were springing up from everywhere.

It felt good knowing what people thought of me but it was also terrifying that they may have the same abilities or even better. The world was becoming interesting.     

      "You were out for hours. " He began.  "And from experience, we couldn't interfere in your spiritual journey." The Pastor was slowly taking measured steps towards me. 
Shifting his focus to the group, he turned to look at me again. "Would you mind recounting your experience?"

I shoveled uncomfortably in my seat. 'Actually, I did mind.'  I didn't want to rehash my experience.

There wasn't a reason not to, but I didn't want to go back in there. Back into that darkness. I glanced at the time piece on the wall and went back down. My foot was shaking.

He looked up at me again.

         "Come on, you can tell us, everyone here is equipped to help you."
I picked up my chin for a minute, staring into his bland face. I hated that I couldn't read his expressions. He was too formal for me.

          "An understanding of your experience would help plan and shape your spiritual journey." He nudged.

           If there was a thing I'd come to understand about the senior pastor of Generation Christian Worship Center, was his power of persuasion.

But I had a better term for it. The man was a powerful manipulator. A grand master actually. He could twist your mind and make you an enemy unto yourself.

I pushed his word to the center of the room and left it hanging there. I just needed him to stop speaking for a second. But he wouldn't.

His words were overloading my brain. I squeezed my eyes tightly, focusing on my breath. I couldn't have them jumping into another deliverance session.

When I opened my eyes, I nodded in agreement, succumbing to his mind bender abilities. A deep breath whooshed out of me.

Come to think of it, what's there? I'll just say a few words and tie up everyone in knots'.   My lips were moving in response when his words hit me.

         "Wait, did you say I was out for hours?" My question was directed to the pastor. He nodded coolly, his eyes softening.

How could I have lost precious hours of my lifetime unconscious, knocked out from reality. Yet,  I had no idea what happened to my body.

The details of my visions came blaring at me like the loud screech of a locomotive train. I delved into my unconscious files and blocked it.
The team waited patiently, giving me ample time to reminisce.

         Sensing the ominous silence, I started staring hard at my toes, aware of eye balls on me. I recounted my experience, leaving out choice bits and pieces, especially the part where I absorbed the fourteen year old me.

My hardened gaze had remained on my toes, when the pastor asked if I was done.
I stole a glance at him and nodded. I knew most of them could read my thoughts,  but that secret was mine to keep.

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