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"Are you sure that you have told us everything?" He probed, drawing closer to me again.

"Yes." I allowed my voice whisper it gently while my eyes avoided his.

"Sister Unique, this is a serious issue." He snuck out his left hand from his akimbo posture and waved it in the air. "However, your answer sounds quite unsure. "Any skipped detail?"

His full frame lowered to meet my gaze. I kept my face straight, expressionless. Unyielding to his interrogations, he got up and booked a spot close to me.

Suddenly, he went quiet. Too quiet. Then I felt it. Oh my gosh! He was searching my mind.
Like a rushing wave against the sea shore. I could feel a flood coming forcefully into my head, I winced at the pain It gave. Then, its force splashed against my will, threatening to weaken me.

Within seconds my head felt bigger. The clicking sounds felt like a knock, like a key in my minds door. Like someone flipping through the pages of my thoughts. Rummaging through the walls of my mind.

My heart beats accelerated, fear sipped in. My eyes bulged in absolute shock.

           "You. Can. Not. Do. That!" I emphasized every word, yelling at him. Whether he heard me or not, he didn't show it.

Then, I heard the rest of the group speak in some gibberish words. My eyes rolled to the roof of my lashes, showing just the milky part of my eyes. These people were totally clueless about the strange abilities I now possessed.

Quickly I refocused on the intruder, I couldn't let him in, it wasn't going to happen.
I took deliberate breaths, calming my twisted nerves. He was still digging, piercing through my thoughts. I slammed my palms together, squeezing them tight.

             "Game on!" I mumbled beneath my breath, and flagged him as a threat. I saw the red flashing lights in my mind.

Immediately, walls began to rise from the surface of my consciousness, blocking off the light above it, leaving only a thin layer out.

I was taking a risk that could cause permanent damage but I didn't care. It was a battle of power and only the violent would excel.
As the walls rose, I ferociously pushed him out. The pressure in my head decreased. I saw him stagger physically at the impact.

As though zapped of energy, his body limped around, the person next to him helped place him back on his chair.
I mentally hissed at him, he shuddered and looked at me strangely, staring me down. My mind rested a bit, but still kept guard.

Other team members all of a sudden started to stare at me at the same time. I doubled the walls, covering the light completely. I was sure I was in the midst of people who had external spiritual mind abilities.

This had nothing to do with church. It felt more like a group of unwitting cultists.
The feeling of my thought boxes being dragged violently in my head made me dizzy. I held back, stacking my thoughts with barriers upon barriers.

I had never had too many people forcefully breaking into my mind at the same time. Well, I had never practiced since I left home.

My mind blocking abilities started at nine. My mother whom I still think was either a devil or a devils wife could see, hear, and control your body, spirit, mind and soul. She used that trick on my father and siblings for so long.

She wielded that power over me for a while until I realized what she was doing. First time I blocked her, she was unconscious for a whole day. And took a mental beating as well.

As my eyes assessed the minds of my intruders, I realized I was dealing with professionals. They'd built their own collective barrier, protecting themselves.

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