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Sitting back in my office after that unprofitable meeting with my parents, I glanced at my wrist watch. It was well over 7:30am. I knelt down and began to make up for the time I missed praying this morning.

Twenty minutes later I was done and arranging my desk. Counselling doesn't start until 8am. Ignoring the first and second ring from my inter com, I decided to pick on the third ring.

            "Sir, your 8am is here. Should I send her in?"

I swallowed hard. "A she?" I muttered silently. I couldn't counsel a lady without another person in the room. But sensing the uneasiness in my spirit I opted for a male protocol.

           "Are there any male protocols out there? " I asked the counselling receptionist.

           "Ah.......let me see. Bro Gbenga, come over here please." I heard her say. Few minutes later, she came back on the phone with a little excitement.

          "Sir, I found Bro Gbenga." I nodded, A silent smile washed across my face. Gbenga was my friend, A great confidant. He was spirit filled and a blazing spiritual missile.

          "Please send him in with my 8am."
Gently I dropped the receiver back on the intercom.

She paced into my office slowly, looking lost. "Good morning," I said getting to my feet. She couldn't be more than twenty one.

She nodded. "Good morning," She responded easing her self on the white plastic chair across my desk. I looked at her for a few minutes before she found her own voice.

          "Should I start or are you going to ask me questions?" I nodded acknowledging her.

         "By all means,  Unburden your heart."
She began to speak, saying everything that wasn't the foundation of her problem.

           As I listened to her, I stole another glance at my wrist watch. Bro Gbenga was yet to appear. I'd picked up the phone to call when he breezed into my office without knocking.
He was sweating profusely. Gbenga, a fiery slaying prophet would never be part of a counselling session without first of all dousing himself in volcanic prayers.

The lady scowled at him. Right there, I perceived the spirit that'd been hiding under her charade manifest. I sat back and watched the caged spirit bark at Gbenga.
He simply stood there waiting.

The same person who told me she was spirit filled and manifesting spiritual dimensions was now fidgeting, scrambling away from nothing.

I rose slowly to my feet, keeping my eyes on her. Deliverance was not mostly my thing, but I hated to see people tormented by beings who had no right being amongst humans.

Gbenga was blasting in tongues heavily.. ...Suddenly it felt like voice of many waters. Grace, as she identified her self was struggling to stand.

             "Please, she begged." Huge drops of tears fell off her face.

I moved around the corner from my desk. She had willfully catapulted herself to an open space I used for deliverance in my office. Gbenga was on her heels as she trembled on her feet.
           "Leave!" I commanded. She squirmed, clutching her stomach.

            "Get. Out. Of. Her. Now. In Jesus name!" I instructed.

She growled, a red glow enveloped her instantly. And the room, the office turned into a shade of red smog.

A little fear sipped into my heart but Gbenga placed a strong hand on me, still blasting in corrosive tongues.
It was as if I'd received a jolt of electricity. I grabbed his other hand and we began to command judgments in tongues.

            Slowly the deep red smog lifted and the room cleared. Two young women lay still on the floor face down, supposedly passed out.

I glanced at Gbenga apprehensively. He in turn looked at me in sheer surprise. "Weren't we praying for just one person?" He whispered.

My head involuntarily nodded in agreement. I was trying as much as possible to hide the significant fear that sat in the pit of my stomach.

          "Well, lets check out what we got."
Having said that, I took unsure steps forward to where the girls were. Gbenga was still praying silently, giving me a kind of spiritual fuel to proceed.

We were not new at this, but today had turned out differently.
Before turning their bodies over, I patched a call across to the secretary.

             "How many people did you send in?" I asked, still shocked to my bones.

            "One. Sir." Came the answer from the other end.

            "And you are sure you didn't send in an extra person?"

             "No sir." The frustrated receptionist answered. "Is there a problem sir?"
I sighed before responding. "Talk later." I hung up.

I said few words of prayers and measured my steps before Gbenga and I, hand in hand, flipped the two women around. I shuddered and shoveled  away.

Gbenga took two steps away from them as well. He looked at me in confusion, I stared back, swallowing the questions that sat on my lips.
Two identical faces stared back at me, their glowing red eyes raged like fire. And then I identified their faces, same as the other.


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