Safe Drive

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/Kun's Pov/

Why the hell she sticks so close to him?
Is the only question keeps surrounding my thoughts right now.

"Why you suddenly come to pick me up?"

"Uhm, because i drive you this morning so i'm worried about how will you go home." I answered Yuxin's question. Now she's sitting beside me in the passenger seat as we drive home.

"Oooh.." she prolonged her sentence makes her little mouth turn to a tiny o, somehow it's looks cute. Her little lips with perfect cupid bow looks so cute and adorable, also kissable.


"Hm? What's wrong Kunkun? Is there something on my face?" She asked as she caught me red handed keep staring at her. Her little fingers popping out from her puffy sleeves to tapping her face, her cheeks, her mouth, her forehead, maybe to cheking out if there is something stuck on there.

The only thing stuck on her face is cuteness.

Damn! Since when she becomes cute?! Isn't she is the poker faces Liu Yuxin?! The cold aloof air headed girl?!

My inner voice screaming, somehow i need to hold up my body not to shiver due to overloaded cuteness beaming out from her.

"Ehem," i cough to fix my composure, relax Kun you're in the middle of driving, well fortunately ahead is red light... "no, nothing. Moreover, is that guy is the same person i saw last night?" I tried to change the topic. This question actually haunting me since awhile tho.

"That guy? Oh! Yibo you mean?"

"Oh is that his name. Seems familiar."

"Yes you might heard his name before or even know him."

"Why so?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"He is kinda popular around the city. He has done plenty performance and dance battle around. He is our captain and he is really cool when dancing."

I just glimpse to her, side eyeing... what kind of expression she shows while telling me this Yibo guy. With the corner of my eye i could see that she is smiling, looking so proud for what reason..?

Ugh. That annoys me.

"So you like him in romantic way?"

"Hmm? No."

"Oh really? You might be just shy to tell me the truth."

"No Kun. I don't like him like that."

"But you talk about him as if you're so smitten for him."

"What? Not like that!"

"Haha," i air laughing, "and why should i trust that."

Just mere seconds after, suddenly i feel a tight grip on my arm. And that was Yuxin, gripping my sleeves and tilted her small face, looking at me as if she's a lost kitty cat, "You should trust me Kunkun" Her voice raised with firmness on every letter, her doe eyes staring on mine teary, her faint eyebrows touting desperately, makes me gasped for an awe. Why suddenly so eager to clear out that she doesn't like this Yibo man, she clearly didn't hate that human to be linked by, and yet...

"Is it that important for you, for me.. to believe you're not into that guy?"

And then, my eyes widened when i witnessed her reaction. That is... Flush of pink hues on her cheeks!

My God she is so cute when she is shy. It makes me wants to keep teasing her.

"Y-y-yes it's important." She mumbled cutely with her pouty lips.

Dang it! Why so cute? She is just pouting but whyyyy?

Somehow i could feel fireworks, up of my head, popped off like crazy along with noisy drumroll like around us.

"Dinnn dinnn!!!"

The repetitous honks brings back my concioussnes. So the red light is already green and people is getting angry because i was being dumb for fine seconds.

"Oh no.." i murmured while quickly drive straight but i didn't see the light send from car beside me, it's happen suddenly that the car turn right and cut my line which caused me hits the break so suddenly. Even Yuxin suddenly bang her self to the dashboard?!!


/Yuxin's pov/

Kun immediately drive aside and park his car. That maybe because i have caused trouble and he will scolding me now. Jeez why do i always makes him angry?

"I am sor—"

"Are you ok Xin?"

"Eh?" I lifted my eyebrows cluelessly. Is he just now..  worried about me?

"Did you got hurt anywhere?" He asked while gripped my shoulder and rested my back on the seat.

"I- I- I am ok. It's fine." Well it does shock me a bit tho.

"I am sorry i didn't see that car coming and uhm... i .. i just a little bit absent minded. I shouldn't do that. I am sorry." He apologize with such puppy eyes?!

Is he really worried about me?

"No. No. No i am the one who interupt you while you're driving. And it's my own fault that i didn't use the seatbelt before." I must be looking so dumb right now in his eyes.. damn it! how could i be so clumsy not to wear this stuff.. i scold my self while aiming for my seatbelt.

And while i scold myself i am not aware that Kunkun is also reaching out his hand for my seatbelt.


He is so close to me!

I sense his sudden approximity, and i couldn't help my reflex—to not turn my face to his side, and automatically his strong yet nice cologne greets me, it's colliding with the scent of his shampoo, makes an even heavenly nice scent roaming from his nape. I.. think it's too close ... our gap is just merely an inch. It's not good.. my heart beating too fast from this... or even i could just unintentionally touch him, just merely unnoticed gesture and.. I could feel his soft skin on the tip of my lips..


"Done. You'll be safe now." His soft voice still seems so near to my ear.

Eh what just he said again? Somehow his words sounds faint.. i-i barely could process anything.

"Yuxin? Did you get sick again? Your face is so red."

It's called blushing Kun... Why you do that? How could you be so aloof when we-we i mean i-i just somehow kiss your cheek!

"U-uh... no i just..." I literally turned blank, "uhm well thanks for the seatbelt.."

"My pleasure." Kun answered with his tantalizing smirk.



Hello again fellow reader thank you for visiting this story 🫠 as a reminder this is an au story, please don't take it seriously, and just enjoy~

Imagination is really hard to find nowadays. But, i will try to update, but sure, i feel like i don't like to be rushed off to write.. so sorry for every long hiatus but of course i also want to know what the best ending our couple could get at the end. So, jiayou!

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