The Thrill 🍋

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Tomura's POV.

We sat opposite sides of eachother over the small square table in the empty cold basement.

I could hear muffled voices of some of the other members of the league, up the rotting wooden stairs through the not so sound proof metal door just hanging onto its hinges.

2 guns, 2 bullets, one in each.

Toga Twice and Kurogiri all tried to talk us both out of this for 4 hours before eventually realising there was no convincing us.

Then proceeded to place down the plastic wrap incase of any 'incidents'.

"Ready Asshole?" I asked cocking my gun he grinned and did the same "don't piss your pants."

I leant over pointing it straight to his head grinning "not too late to back out?".

He squinted displeased and then grinned darkly ramming his gun into my mouth.

I choked slightly as he snickered and I glared with my eyes, "I'll go first."

The tension was thick in the air, one or both of us could leave this room feeling invincible or in body bags.That was the gamble, that's what made us shiver together not the coldness of the basement itself, the danger.

"3...2..1-" He pulled the trigger it clicked and I shivered as he slowly removed it from my mouth."Your lucky day scratchy" He smirked and I flicked my tounge on the underside of the gun as it was removed which made him slightly stutter in movement.

I placed the gun tip dead centre of his forehead and he grinned "I could end you right here right now." I spoke.

"Paint the walls in your fucking brainmatter" He whined out quietly "watch your chared body fall to the floor" He shuffled in his chair.

"Pull it." He breathlessly huffed out "Cram your body inside a bag and scrub your blood off the walls".

He reached down palming himself over his jeans his face heating up "pull it. god fucking pull the trigger.." I smirked and it clicked.

He let out a breath of air his eyes rolling back as he palmed himself harder. "Another one please fuck.."

I grinned "wanna die Dabi? Feel the red and pain?" He huffed struggling to get his dick out his jeans.

He started to jerk off quickly "pull it! Fucking do it!" He yelled out helplessly.

"Goodbye Touya."

It clicked.

He moaned loudly cumming all over his chest as his breathing was out of control.

"Oh my God.. fuckk.."

We leant back in our chairs feeling the high of living, our eyes meeting in a slow drift and we grinned.

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