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Authors note: IM BACK BABY!

Tomura's POV.

The league and i have been noticing some thing off with Dabi recently he seems nervous and frantic and on edge.He keeps pacing the room and talking to himself as well as has been on his phone a whole lot."Okay Dabi this is the 5th time you've paced in here what's wrong?" Toga asked a slight tad irritated but mostly concerned."Ah.. uh well.. my dad wants me to have dinner with him and my boyfreind" he said scratching the back of his neck."You have a boyfreind!?" Toga asked excitedly "well- no. But I said I did because he sounded so cocky on the phone and it pissed me off so I said I had one" he admitted."I have no one to go with and I just know he's gonna rub it in my face" he seethed."I would dress up as a guy for you but me and Twice have plans tonight what about you Kurogiri?" Toga asked he shook his head "I have a meeting im afraid" he appologised with a nod.Their heads turned to me "what-" I asked "NO!" I yelled realising what they were hinting at "really? He's gonna buy that?" I asked uncomfortable and unconvinced."Please cracked lips I need this huge favour please" he begged I growled in annoyance."What do I get out of this?" I asked crossing my arms.He came close leaning on the counter close to me "as my boyfreind for the night you get special Dabi love~" he spoke I shoved him and started to walk away."I'll clean your room for a month!" I kept walking "Ill- uh- I'll- im sure my dad has documents that could help you take down all might!?" He yelled my eyes widened and I turned."Go on" I encouraged crossing my arms intrigued."I'll distract him while you look through and I'll make sure you get tonnes of drinks!?" He yelled I smirked."Fine-" Dabi gave a sigh of relief."Wait do I have to like kiss you and shit?" I asked he itched the back of his neck "Not if you don't want to" he winked I fake gagged "whatever I said walking to my room.

The next day...

I woke up and took a shower after getting out I put on deoderant,moisturiser,lip balm and brushed my hair then brushed my teeth.Soon after putting a suit on and tieng my tie the house sounded too silent.

I swung Dabis door open to see him half on half off the bed with only a white muscle t-shirt on and black boxers.I covered my eyes "Dabi get your ass up!" I yelled he groaned "I swear to-" he cut me off "Okay..okayy" he groaned groggily.I walked out slamming the door and heard Toga and Twice get up.After around 5 minutes I banged on his door "Get up!! We have 20 minutes!!" I yelled angrily starting to get stressed.

Soon I saw Toga and Twice leave their rooms ready to leave I growled and stomped to Dabis room and banged on it.He opened his door making me hit his chest I looked up he had sleek clean black suit on with a black tie and crisp white shirt.His hair brushed and tidy slightly swept to the side, I felt myself choke slightly as I'm used to him being raggedy.He smelled of cologne was almost an addictive scent he leant against the doorway and leant down kissing my lips my ears went red."WHAT THE HELL" I yelled he smirked "you look very good not so chapped lips"he winked."I couldn't resist seeing my boss like this" I bit my lip in anger "shut up before I kill you.Fuck off." I growled he lightly chuckled inside I was blowing up the kiss was warm and hot I felt so embarrassed and touch starved.

Toga squealed and Twice coughed lightly we turned "We should get going" I stated he nodded and I froze feeling his hand brush my back he winked and walked past I gritted my teeth.

We all got outside and they waved us as they walked down the street we got to the car and Dabi opened my door.I shook with anger as I bit my lip and got inside.

He go inside and we started the drive he soon tried to speak so I turned up the radio he smirked.My heart was still thumping heavily from what had just happened.

We soon got to the big house "Who knew the #1 hero was an ass and loaded" I whispered."Now you don't actually have to do anything I was just teasing you" he laughed I growled at him.He buzzed the buzzer "Dad it's me." He said his voice deeper and aggravated I choked and the gates opened.We walked down the long path and knocked on the door a second before the door opened I tutted and started to straighten his tie.The door opened to see Endeavour he smirked "Ahh still can't do your tie I see Touya" he smiled.I smiled at him "Hello my name is Tomura Shigiraki it's a pleasure" I spoke and held out my hand he shook it confused noticing my glove.We welcomed us inside where we saw Fuyumi she smiled at us I bowed at her "M'am" I kissed her hand she giggled and Dabi glared at me I smirked feeling his eyes on me."Well dinner is ready please follow me" she smiled I nodded and held Dabis hand interlocking our fingers as I smiled at him he choked slightly.

Soon we sat down as well as Endeavour,Fuyumi and Natsuo Shoto can't as he's at his dorms.There was a feast we all began to eat and Dabi to say the least ate like a pig.I smiled softly and got a napkin wiping his mouth."I tried to teach him manners" he spoke laughing slightly I saw his knuckles go white in the chair.I held his hand tracing circles on it he seemed to calm down "So Tomura how did you meet my son?" He asked I smiled "Well we met through freinds and kind of just hit it off from there" I laughed "Have you guys been on a date?" Fuyumi asked."I smiled yes we went for a picnic in the woods it was very romantic" I laughed.She awwed "Dabi I didn't know you were so romantic?" Fuyumi laughed he laughed scratching the back of his neck.After chit chat the dinner was over "Thank you for inviting me over Mr.Todoroki" I bowed he smiled "Going so soon? Why don't you stay the night?" He asked Dabi immediety went to refuse "Id love to!" He smiled "then it's settled!" Dabi growled.

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