Maid Cafe 🍓

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Tomura's POV

I walk through the alley with my black hoodie, hood up and get to the back entrance I grab the key out my hoodie and quickly ram it inside hearing noise behind me.Sweat trickles down the back of the neck and I yank the door open pushing myself inside quickly slamming it shut and locking it.

My eyes soon engulfed in the pastels around me I wasnt really proud of my job per say but I wasnt ashamed.

I worked in a maid Cafe as a server I should be in a suit and have my hair gelled back.But the boss says I'm more feminine and the customers will like me better if I wear the outfit the girls wear.

The guys mistake me for a girl alot and I frequently get hit on, but as long as I get a good tip I'll play along.

I grabbed my frilly baby blue and white dress,my baby blue socks and my small with shoes.

I walk into the back and slip them on and placed the white and blue headpiece on my head walking to the cash register.

Soon making sure everything was open and ready for the day.

After a while of serving I served a group of gentlemen, "May I get you anything else master?"I asked but the door opened as the little bell notified me.

Me and every other maid/butler turned to look at the door and bowed/curtsied, it was 3 people.

There was a small skinny girl with blonde hair and pointy teeth, a tall Male with a soft of body suit maybe? Then a buffer tall Male with black hair and purple scarring that littered him.I turned back to my table "How about your phone number?" A guy asked I processed what he'd just said smiled and wrote down a fake number.Soon walking to the table where the 3 new comers sat.

"Good morning masters and mistress can I get you anything?" They looked a little taken off guard for a second but swiftly picked up the menu their eyes scanning it."We'll have 3 plates of pancakes with syrup,cream and strawberries" the blonde girl smiled and ordered them.

I curtsie "anything else?"I ask and they shake their head no I smile and get their food.Soon I came back with the 3 plates balancing one on my head.I place them down and go to walk away but the blonde stops me"Um-Wait-" I turn smiling.

She motions for me to come closer and I lean reluctantly into her space, "I'm sorry if this is personal but are you a guy?"I stiffened."I am" I respond and she nods I swiftly walk away and go to the back.

I go to collect their plates and come back with the check for some reason I couldnt take my eyes off the raven haired man.His even seemed to grip mine with their dazzling blue colour.

I soon left to go serve others but come back shortly with the check as I see them start to get up to leave.

I pick it up and realise theres a slip of paper? It was a number?

I turned to the door and caught the blue eyes mans eyes his mouth turned into a smirk as he winked at me and left.

I stood there frozen as a pink hue I could feel covered my face  and my knees felt oddly weak?

I rushed into the back and slipped the paper into my hoodie pocket and got ready to finnish the rest of my shift.

Authors Note!:

Thank you for this request! I hope you enjoy!

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