06 | cola hangover

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"No I'm not high, I'm just sleep deprived... I think,"

I continued walking to the Office. I was holding a test for the blood sample I had, but the results wouldn't be clear till tomorrow. I needed some Coca Cola™ badly, or just any sugary soft drink. Tea or coffee might work as well, but I prefer the coke. I was never the coffee sort of person. Leon always used to tell me off for snatching his coke when I was younger. Something about it being unhealthy for me at such a young age. Of course, he was right. I was only a little girl back then. But bad habits die hard, eh?

"Hello, Miss Mallory" Yuuto greeted me. He, Gary and Harmony were in the Office when I entered. And they were all eating sandwiches. And bread. "Hello there," I told them all. "You three seem to be very peaceful today, even with the alien imposters". "We're just drowning them with the power of carbs," Gary explained to me. "We're still all very anxious today!" Harmony cheered, always exuding that positive energy despite her words.

"Do you want to join us??" she asked me. "There's a bunch of sandwich ingredients in the cabinet". "Ah, no thanks," I replied. I could smell the peanut butter reeking from her mouth. "I only came to ask if there was any coke in the fridge? Preferably the sugary and fizzy kind". "I didn't know the great powerful professor was into something so high on the food pyramid," Gary chuckled. "You seemed like the kind of person who would give out to people eating coke and then go on a lecture about how much sugar it has".

"I like it for the energy and taste, not for the health reasons," I said. "Besides, you can't really eat a liquid". "Touché, professor" Gary laughed. "Would they allow coke on such a mission?" Yuuto asked me. "I personally asked them to bring coke for the mission," I explained to him. "Though they never actually told me whether they brought it or not". "Oh, there actually is Coke here!" Harmony gasped, and passed me a bottle of Coca Cola. Glad it wasn't the Diet Coke kind. That one's disgusting.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'll be downing this stuff down like there's no tomorrow" I told them and exited the room. "Oh, and if I don't respond to your door knocks, I'll probably be knocked out cold with a hangover". "You can have that!?" Harmony gasped in shock. "From just a bottle of coke!?". "I think she's joking, Harmony" Yuuto replied. "Although there is a thing such as food comas".

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*thump thump thump*

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my room. A few more knocks came from my door. And my room was kind of a mess. Papers were everyone, my duvet somehow fell off my bed and my hair and clothes were a mess. The blood sample was still in it's compartment, being tested. "Mallory, did you steal my coke?" a voice came from behind the door. "I thought that was my coke!?" I shouted. I stood up from my chair and went over to the door and opened it. Volta was standing behind my door. Even though half of his face was covered, I could tell from his eyes and eyebrows alone that he was very much concerned and confused.

 Even though half of his face was covered, I could tell from his eyes and eyebrows alone that he was very much concerned and confused

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