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"Pick on someone your own size!" A girl's with blue hair and a school uniform shouted at Benkei who sneered at her in response, "And just who do you think you are?!" One of his goons yelled to which Gingka walked forward besides his partner, "Easy there, Kata. Don't let you bark get ahead of your bite." Kata glared at him as Benkei shouted to break up their side squabble, "If you two are such big shots, then show us what you've got!" He and his goons readied their beys in their respective launchers which made Gingka lay his hand on Kata's shoulder, "Tch, okay then if it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get." A puff of smoke suddenly appeared blind siding them as a bey sat where she once stood the redheaded blader picking it up, "Pegasus, Star Blast attack!"

With a blinding attack all three beys were stopped and thrown aside hitting the walls of the tunnel as Gingka said, "If you gang up on someone then you're not a true blader! The name's Gingka, Gingka Hagane and this is my partner Pegasus." After they ran off Gingka's bey shook when he placed it on the ground and that same mysterious girl from earlier stood before Kenta, "My name is Kata Usoro, nice to meet you Kenta." They walked along the river pathway as Kenta asked them many questions, though by the end of it Kata had fallen asleep on Gingka's shoulder as he tried to explain where a beyblade attack truly hurt, and how it used its blader's feelings to attack and not just regular attacking power. "....*snore*.....yeah....let it rip!.....*snore*....nyeh..." Kenta smiled getting up and leaving them to sleep under the stars, 'What an interesting pair.'
Morning - Construction Site

Benkei started monologing about how they'd get revenge with their 100 blader speciality though I wasn't to afraid and charged in after being launched full force, "Pegasus go, Star Blast attack!!" Gingka called and I shot up sending every beyblade near me into a metal beam or the ground the shocked gasps letting me know of the damage I'd caused, "Gingka, anything else left?" He shook his head, "Nope, come on back Pegasus." Flying back into his hand I listened in on their conversation with the head face hunter, Kyoya Tategami. "Very impressive, Gingka. Though I'll have to make up for these idiots mistakes, so you and me a battle on top of a building of my choice."

Gingka grimaced but before he could accept the challenge Kenta rushed him off towards the arena where we met Kenta's friends though we returned to the riverbank, and discussed Kyoya's challenge though Kenta gave us a warning regarding his personality which Gingka ignored almost responding until, a girl rose up in front of me. "Pegasus was it? The poor thing..." he freaked out as she said, "The poor thing, I'll check her out." After showing them my statistics she told them, "She needs repairs or she won't fight at her true potential." Gingka agreed to let her repair me then she brought us down to the basement where she demanded Gingka hand me over to her. 'It'll be fine, Gingka. I'll come back to ya.'

As Madoka cleaned my parts I sighed in relief the cleaning was so relaxing and made me more sleepy than I realized though Gingka's comment woke me up, "It's not like we're married or anything," he added under his breath, "Yet.." As he walked toward what I assume to be a couch he said, "If she's staying overnight, I'm staying here too." After he said that I fell asleep though I woke up as Gingka began shouting at Madoka about something, "What's wrong with those jerks?" I asked after switching back which momentarily surprised Madoka who followed us as Gingka picked me up and ran out, carrying me all the way up the metal tower stairs and to the stadium where Kyoya smirked at me, making chills of disgust run down my body and Gingka shield me until I changed back into my bey form.

'I'm going to say frack you, jerkwad.' I said as I launched in and dodged Leone's attacks though they were minimal as Gingka shouted, "Go, Pegasus!!" My attack bounced off of Leone like it was a rubber ball and I was swung back by wind as Leone took full advantage of the windy weather, though as I spun Leone used his special Gale force wall attack making Gingka shout, "Pegasus, go speed up!! Fly!!" Zooming even faster around the stadium I flung myself off the outer rim and flew upwards as Leone tried to attack, "Pegasus, Star Blast attack!!" Slamming down from the sky I struck Leone dead center and knocked him out of the stadium returning to Gingka shortly after and transforming, "Nice job, Gingka!"

My compliment made him blush as we left the tower walking back with Kenta and Madoka the latter of which said, "Say sorry to Kata." Gingka blushed but nodded and turned to me, "S-So-Sorry, Kata." A smile from me was all he needed as I told Madoka, "It's really fine, you can just finish my repairs when we get back to the B-Pit." She nodded in return though she seemed tired from the whole ordeal and we returned to the shop, my repairs were finished rather quickly though, I wasn't happy when Gingka made me battle more but I must abide by the spirit rules or I run the risk of becoming terminated and stuck in the spirit world until further notice, and if I'm being honest it didn't bother me....well too much at least.
Spirit World - ????

"That Usoro girl is nothing but trouble. How can we even be sure she isn't already breaking our sacred rule?" A spirit with a butterfly headress and rainbow patterned outfit exclaimed her rather absurd statement making a fellow spirit with a maude colored lioness crossed tigress headress sigh, "Veludria, you're being exhaustingly delusional. Kata is from the noble Usoro clan, she may not have been born into it but she is a part of it nevertheless, she knows what it would mean to disgrace such a distinguished name in our realm." A chuckle from another spirit which held a dark grey-green serpent headress made them all freeze, "Poor deluded Hirveya, Kata isn't as angelic as you think. She'd turn on our rules within a second if she could, she did try so after all when her family was still in our realm and not banished. Who's to say she wouldn't try again?"

"Shut your filthy mouth, Kertholios! She isn't going to do that again, so don't you dare speak ill of her!" Hirveya shouted at her fellow spirit who shrugged as another spirit quietly commented, "You're too trusting, Veya. That's where you'll be hurt most again, just like before with-" Hirveya shot something at the timid spirit the object barely missing its bat like headress, "Enough, Corvallia! I will not have all of you speak this ill of someone you've only ever heard rumors of!!"

Slow clapping from the most important spirit with a galaxy reminiscent headress and colors to match calmed them, "That's enough everyone, do not forget that we're only here to discuss whether or not she passes her daily evaluation." A glance from Hirveya made her say, "Worry not if this is necessary, for I Dalvilarix the high ruler know it to be needed. For who knows what this girl would do had she been kept working without being surveyed for security?" Hirveya glanced away with Veludria, Kertholios, and Corvallia as the remaining members did not speak instead patiently awaiting Dalvilarix's decision, "She passes for now. So long as we keep her emotions in check with that special seal we placed on her, she won't be a problem to our society anymore."
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I figured I'd try this again but I've rewritten it to not sound as bad.

Basically a rewrite of Partners.

- Grace.

His Trusted Bey [Gingka Hagane x Original Character] [Metal Fusion] [Book: 1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum