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"I don't really get it, Madoka. How do you keep track of all them?" Kata asked as Madoka said, "Well, it's easy when you have a categorical and methodical storage system for the ones that still need to be fixed and the finished ones that need to be given back." She smiled as Kata listened, "It's mostly a routine you fall into after a while, so it can take some getting used to." I smiled as they talked though I still felt neglected because of her lack of response to my feelings that formed when we first met, it was disheartening to know that she may never notice at all since she always seemed distant with her personal feelings, something I wish I could try to begin understand but it wouldn't make a lick of a difference since she'd need to explain why before I could understand.

"What's up, Gingka?" She asked as I flushed a light pink from embarrassment her questioning eyes making a flutter from my stomach to my heart shake me to my core, 'Why is she so...cute..? She's just so perfect, I want her hold her and hug her forever..' Kata kept gazing at me until Madoka had stormed off in anger upon hearing about Watarigani's latest assault on innocent beybladers though it was short lived as, he'd run away like a coward at the sight of me and Kata when we'd gone to investigate whether or not she was okay, "...What a coward..." she commented as they headed back to the B-Pit which was filled with waiting customers who wanted their repaired beys back.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap. See you later, Gingka." Kata told me and changed back into her other form allowing me to pick her up and place her into my holster, the sound of her snoring echoing in my mind as we rested together me on the couch in Madoka's repair shop, and her inside the holster on my belt with the craziness from the kids upstairs a soft humming from above.
City Outskirts

A young lady with teal hair walks through the barren area with her bag and a determined look in her eyes which didn't fade as she encountered what little face hunters were left led by Benkei who smirked upon hearing her pursuit, after his underlings lost against Hikaru's bey he walked in front of her path when she attempted to leave them behind, "If it's strong opponents you're after then go find a guy named Gingka Hagane." She smirked and said, "Fine then, I hope this Gingka is ready to face I, Hikaru Hasama and my bey Storm Aquario!" Benkei smirked as she walked off and thought, 'Good luck, Gingka. You're gonna need it when it comes to this girl, heck I didn't even talk to her for long but even I know she's got ego, pride, and determination for days.'

"Gingka, if it makes you feel better I'll take care of you after the doctor leaves. Okay?" Kata told her blader who became even more red at the idea of his crush taking care of him but this made her even more worried, her hand feeling his forehead for an increase in his fever until he fainted from his overwhelming feelings causing Kata to freak out as the doctor arrived, "Did I do something wrong?" She asked though Madoka pat her shoulder in reassurance which only slightly calmed down Kata who still felt guilty for doing nothing besides overwhelming her blader who happened to be in love with her.

A few hours late she watched Kenta practice as Benkei approached and asked for Gingka, "Stop it already, Benkei. Gingka's sick and frankly I need a break from these challenges. You're such a childish bull brute." Benkei stomped off in anger as Kenta told her, "I'll battle her, so you don't need to worry." Kata tried to get Kenta to reconsider but he stood firm and walked away with his friend feeling uneasy from a feeling she'd experienced only once before, when she had gotten in trouble with her elders who'd punished her greatly for something she never intended to do but, she had and as a result she was restricted to her current state and unable to visit her home realm which was another thing she longed for. 'Kenta...please be careful. I have a bad feeling about this.'

Kata's feeling proved to be correct when Kenta lost against Hikaru and felt guilty for letting her down when she never asked him to fight for her or Gingka at all, not all had been lost though because Benkei saw something in Kenta who was surprised when he began to train him for a rematch that he'd begged Hikaru for, because in his eyes it was a chance to redeem his mistake for using Gingka's name when he could've just waited for Gingka to recover. "Look kid, you reminded me a lot of myself when I did the same thing to someone in my life, so I'm gonna train you and make you strong!" Benkei proudly proclaimed while pointing at a confused and battered Kenta who was just flabbergasted by his proud and tough personality regarding his training, "Come back here tomorrow and I'll give you some training!"

"Benkei...." Kenta trailed as the bull walked away leaving Kenta feeling touched by his helpful offer for training.

"Whacha up to, Kenta?" I asked as Gingka and Madoka grilled him on what he was doing though I wasn't proud of their harsh questions as Kenta ran away, making Gingka grab my arm as we followed though they completely ignored my please to reconsider and respect his privacy, 'Why are you so hard headed, Gingka?!?!' I shouted into his head as we watched Kenta training with Benkei also hearing about his blunder with using Gingka's name, "I agree, Madoka. We've just gotta let Benkei train him so that we can see him grow." A smile rested on my face until I noticed a suspicious tarp on the stands of the coliseum, 'Who could that belong to...?...wait...could..it be...'
Outside Bey Park

"Mind if I watch?" I asked as Madoka walked up behind me and gave Kenta a metal face bolt so that he could activate his claws and make his special attack, "Cool, Madoka. Though I still wanna watch Kenta battle.." I trailed as I followed them with as much stealth as possible until they ran into Watarigani who mocked them, "Well, well. The foolish crab shows himself again." I scoffed as Watarigani was repelled by Benkei who told us to go, "I'll go deliver him to the stadium them." Grabbing Kenta's arm I ran to where Hikaru was and said, "Give him a rematch or I'll tell the real Gingka not to battle you, I am his friend after all."

Kenta nodded as he formally challenged her and I smirked when she seemed so sure of herself, 'People like her don't last long in the real world, or in the true face of what real battles are.' Kenta kept fighting with all his strength and relaunched his bey for the second round, "Kenta, you know what you have to do. So, make your goal a reality!" I shouted as Kenta focused and expanded the claws, "You can do it, Sagittario! Flame claw!" He shouted and won after beating Hikaru then he ran into Benkei though I was surprised when Gingka grabbed me, "Next time, don't run off when we're going to the same place."

He pouted until Benkei challenged him again, "Challenge me any old time!" A sweatdrop from me didn't get noticed by him as I thought, 'Do I ever get a say in that?' Though deep down there was something fluttering within me that felt so vivid and nostalgic, something I'd hoped to feel one day when I was free from the restrictions placed upon myself, 'It can't be that....can it?...'
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Rushed because I have to sleep.

Bye - Grace.

His Trusted Bey [Gingka Hagane x Original Character] [Metal Fusion] [Book: 1]Where stories live. Discover now