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The match between Kyoya and Ryuga was set to begin but only one was truly equipped to win and it was obvious when L-Drago blew past and turned the stadium upside down as Ryuga just felt like it, "Roooaaarrghh!" The three dragon's roared as Ryuga walked up while smirking and showing off, "Now this is a worthy stadium!" Ryuga states as Kyoya declared his fearlessness, "You'll be hitting the pavement first!" Ryuga smirked harder and launched L-Drago after giving Kyoya a warning and merciful chance to flee which the prideful Lion ignored, launching after and barely deflecting against the bey quickly getting pushed back until unleashing his strong winds, "Stop babbling!" Leone used Lion Gale Force Wall as L-Drago's ammo was directed back at him, with the dragon ignoring is and switching rotation while slamming a powerful attack which Leone barely guarded itself against.

"Leone!" He shouted as he was forced into a wall and then got a second wind after Gingka's shout for him to keep going, "Your bey steals others power and that won't take me down unless you use your own power! Something you can't do!" Ryuga didn't fall for the truant but turned it into conditions to abide by and started using his own power to which Kyoya, had even more trouble guarding against with his already weakened strength struggling to keep fighting, "L-Drago!" One blast of light later and the two beasts kept fighting with Ryuga seemingly enjoying it because of how entertaining Kyoya was, and probably because someone finally stepped up to Jim instead of accepting his power draining as is like usual. (You'd be surprised how annoying that gets).

"I'll take care of you in one shot! Your aren't that great!!" Ryuga roared and sent forth his dragon which couldn't quite break Kyoya's spirit yet, but soon it was decided after a lot of back and forth because of Kyoya's stubborn will, but he too ended up consumed by the dragon after Ryuga gave him credit for being able to take his full power direct hits. After taking him down harshly and basically punching Kyoya in the face metaphorically after absorbing L-Drago's pure power into his body, Kyoya was defeated by the dragon which had overtaken Ryuga's spirit and thoroughly broken Kyoya.

"Loki.....no..." Kata whimpered out as she nearly lost it with Gingka comforting her as she mourned the lost of another spirit friend to the darkness, her resolve to unleash and absorb L-Drago completely more so for Kyoya who had been directed impaled and drained by the dark spirit, devolving him to a comatose state like Hikaru but worse since Hikaru could hear them talk but Kyoya became so entrenched in the darkness that his senses had been lost. "THIS IS NOT MY FAULT!!" She shouted at Draco who tried to guilt trip her into thinking it was her fault for their friends fates, "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" She shouted while breaking everything non organic near her, "I will never forgive you."
13 years ago [Spirit World

"Mommy?" A toddler with blue hair and dark lilac eyes looked around as dark blobs whooshing past her filled her vision but her parents no where to be seen, "Daddy? Browher? Sister? Anyone?" She whimpered out as the darkness threatened to consume her until a hand glowing in white appeared in front of her, belonging to a woman dressed in white with a headset that had a tree with multiple larg roots and bushy leafy top, "Ygrasil?" She asked while skewering the word with her not so great pronunciation, the woman merely smiled and played with her to distract her as the dark masses flew by and gradually disappeared into the night, "My child...." the woman said, while caressing her face, "The last of my great power is yours." Touching her head a glow surrounded her for a moment which made her giggle gleefully.

"Soon my dear, I promise that you'll be happy and when that happens the power I gave you will fully cultivate, and you will become strong enough to defeat those of which took them from you." She held her as tears fell from the graceful woman's eyes, "You remind me so much of her and yet I know that your aren't her. If only I hadn't been so hard maybe she would've been here still and this wouldn't have been thrust upon your family...." Placing her on the nearby baby bed and kissing her forehead, the woman said one last thing to her, "I am truly sorry for everything I've ever inflicted on your family, whether it be direct, indirect, or inadvertently. You were wonderful and lovely, you deserved none of what came to you within the last eon. I shouldn't have been so vague, but I promise I will make it up to your last living descendant." She whispered as she vanished, "She deserves that much."
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His Trusted Bey [Gingka Hagane x Original Character] [Metal Fusion] [Book: 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant