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"So you're Tsubasa? My name's Kata, I'm Gingka's bey spirit." The purple eyed girl introduced as the qualification battle between the two new friends was about to begin, she gave the silver haired teen a smile and said, "Elia seems to be hyped too. She's your bey spirit right? We're old friends of a sort." Kata wished Tsubasa luck while transforming and the battle between them began as Eagle faked out Pegasus, slamming into the winged beauty when she was vulnerable and off-guard though the tactic didn't last long as Gingka quickly figured the sly bird out, "Pegasus go! Don't give up!!" With wings spread broad she soared away from Eagle rearing up for an attack which hit with double the power of Eagle's previous attacks, an onslaught of blows quickly forming as Eagle was left helpless at the mercy of the beautiful winged creature.

In the end Pegasus won after Tsubasa gave a cryptic look to Gingka the silver haired blader's bey losing some speed which allowed it to get knocked out, Tsubasa had thrown the match to Gingka's surprise which wasn't known to DJ Blader who had announce Gingka's with promptly to the roaring crowd, 'I can't believe Elia really went along with Tsubasa's plan to throw the match...just what the hell is she planning? It's not like her to do something so calculative and devious.' Kata thought worried for her friend and Gingka who was oblivious to most sly threatening ploys (a lot of the time in fact) making this one no exception as, all of her friends/ former friends who were in the spirit world usually ran such plans by her beforehand for a second opinion and pair of eyes.

Though what was going on with Lilia and Elia was alarming as she knew they had bladers worthy of her respect and that they were capable enough for them, it was just the sheer amount of error that could occur from their seemingly good intentions that worried her beyond belief since humans are creatures who never account for error right away, and the fact that their bladers had seemingly ignored this meant something worse than anything she'd experienced before was about to happen soon. Which meant that if she couldn't deduce their plans soon enough there'd be an even greater opening of success for Doji and the Dark Nebula organization, making their plans to use L-Drago for world dominance have a greater and less obstructive window to coke to fruition in a destructive mess, that would leave the whole world devastated by the organization's sheer lust for power and greed that was already immeasurable.

Kata was pulled away from her worry thoughts by Gingka who pursued Tsubasa to ask him why he helped him with his advice despite knowing they'd end up as opponents in the final round, not to mention what his true intentions were as he was highly suspicious in Gingka's eyes especially because he didn't know if he was a DN operative or not, something which had him doubting if he could trust anyone who came up to him with a friendly front for he didn't know if they could be trusted at all. "I didn't give you advice. You figured that out all on your own." Gingka finally accepted Tsubasa's rather confusing reasoning then let him continue on his way as Kata thought about Kyoya's bey spirit Loki, 'What's been up with him? Cain's been annoying him and Kyoya too, what the hell is wrong with Cain's blader?'
Meanwhile at Prince Arena

"Loki, what is wrong with this guy?" Kyoya asked his partner who shrugged in his human form while casually insulting Cain, "How the hell should I know? Cain's always been annoyingly stupid, he just goes with whatever his blader says cause he's a coward." Kyoya just chuckled at Loki's comment rather freely as Tobio alongside Cain defeated his opponent while smirking at them from the stadium pitch, "Annoying loafer. I'll be sure to let him know just how much he's lacked."

The final round of the tournament soon came and Loki launched into the stadium while perfectly predicting Cain's abnormal movement his strike timed perfectly blasting Cain into the air again, "Your moves aren't that hard to predict. You've underestimated me and showed to many of your secrets." Tobio laughed and created small craters in the stadium using then to boost his frenetic movements though, this didn't stop Kyoya who demanded Tobio to stop hiding behind his cowardice inspired moves, "Leone now! King Lion Tearing Blast!!"

Loki changed back as did Cain who shouted at him, "What the hell, Loki!? I was supposed to win!" Loki rolled his eyes and sneered, "A coward like you will never win." Later on they talked about whether or not Ginga and Pegasus were really that powerful then went their separate ways though, little did Loki and Kyoya know Cain and Tobio were part of Dark Nebula and that the tournament would be one hell of a ride.
Back at Dark Nebula

Tsubasa charged into the base and talked to Doji about his information gathering in his background then telling him, "You can buy my skills for as high a price as possible." Doji scoffed a little but accepted regardless of the fact that Tsubasa was an enigma with nothing he knew he could exploit as leverage, even telling him gingerly, "You will be tested right now by my three experts." Tsubasa accepted and flawlessly destroyed the three brothers in one go making them gasp in utter shock as Doji clapped and told him, "You know about Ryuga then?" But then Yu appeared to challenge him and their flashy battle ended with Yu being reprimanded for using Lilia's Inferno Blast which had destroyed the roof and short circuited Merci, not to mention he lost the battle to a tie rather unceremoniously since Tsubasa still held back but was accepted as a DN member.

"As an employee you must obey my every order and the rules I have designed." Doji warned after he walked away with Yu fuming about Tsubasa in anger as the rain fell through the destroyed roof, though Lilia calmed him down quickly after transforming with some candy and a toy. 'Why did I get stuck with a child and Kata got a person who has at least a small amount of common sense?'
WBBA Studio

"For the love of beys, Gingka..." Kata grumbled as he wouldn't let go of the camera and got flung into the wall as Kata giggled, "That's what you get for being obnoxious. Though, it was......kinda cute." His face broke into a red blush as she helped him up with her own flushed face as DJ Blader teased them once the camera cut, "You two are some lovebirds, huh?" Without thinking Kata pushed the bandana man into a wall and ran out with Gingka following while shouting, "Kata, wait up!!"
Challenge Match - River & Forest [Summary]

Yu challenged Hyoma to a battle and he agreed reluctantly knowing that he'd be considered a coward otherwise and an idiot if he accepted. Meanwhile Kenta was challenged after his battle by Tsubasa who he also agreed since he was tired of being viewed as a coward and because he'd become stronger than when he'd started thanks to his friends.

Ari (Aries) and Lilia (Libra) began their battle though only Hyoma kept his tactics prioritized as equally as his strategy which was something Yu seemingly failed to do most times but he quickly recuperated and fought just as hard against Hyoma. Meanwhile Sam (Sagittario) and Elia (Eagle) fought with the bird using her wings to her advantage though Sam fought back just as hard until an opening presented itself and she used her advantage to scared Kenta into a corner.

Back with Lilia and Ari, Libra used its sand trap despite the rock's location in the water and Aries attacked one final time but was hit with sonic waves as Ari lost and sat motionless on the exposed riverbed. In the forest Sam was struggling as Kenta almost lost faith with him but regained confidence and used Flame Claw which went head to head with Elia's Metal wing smash and Sam lost.

"We both lost, huh. Well we'll keep on learning, and get stronger just like Gingka by training." They affirmed and left as Yu and Tsubasa reported back to Doji who congratulated him in his own way as Yu complained of the lack of fun battles, to which Tsubasa refused his challenge, "No thank you. I don't waste time with kids." Yu immediately became mad again as Elia and Lilia appeared with embarrassed faces as they took care of their respective bladers.

Though it begs the question of which bey spirit has the most problematic and rather hard to deal with blader, huh?
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Kinda bad because Original drafte got deleted by accident

His Trusted Bey [Gingka Hagane x Original Character] [Metal Fusion] [Book: 1]Where stories live. Discover now