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As in a Bard's Dream conquestofthesomnium

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As in a Bard's Dream

75 / 80

Looking firstly at aspects of your book that work to draw the reader in, your cover, title, and "summary" all match together nicely while also conveying the general style of your poems and what readers should expect. In terms of your poems, they all mostly match a similar theme in different, interesting ways, and your word choice is stellar, adding to the overall appeal of your poems. One thing that, however, can be improved upon, is to make certain poems clearer. Of course, I don't mean by changing the word choice, your writing style, or anything of the like, but trying to focus more on how the conclusion -- in most cases anyhow -- relates to the other points you write in your poems. Poems are meant to make the reader think but also eventually realize their meaning. However, this isn't too big of an issue in your poems – it wasn't as if nothing makes sense or it is hard to read.

Overall, they are truly enjoyable and very original. In terms of grammar and punctuation, some places in your poems need to be punctuated, but I couldn't tell if this was intentional or not since the grammar everywhere else is overly on-point – though there were a few hiccups here and there with the tenses. In the end, your writing style is poetic in a way that matches the book's theme very effectively even if it was confusing at times, and you use literary devices effectively to contribute to your poems. Imagery is present in some poems, though maybe it can be present more, it overall works to build to some alluding themes. In the end, great job and keep on writing!

 In the end, great job and keep on writing!

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Sensitive as Raindrops

69 / 80

Overall, the first-impression aspects of your poetry book are interesting, different, original, and work to draw the readers in. Next, concerning your poems, you use some literary devices such as rhyming and alliteration. Your poems use cute rhythm and in most cases, simple rhymes, which works to have the poems appeal to a larger audience while also carrying significant meanings. However, some of your lines had formatting issues or were worded incorrectly, which affected the flow of your poems. For instance, the line, "now that floats" in line number 5, should be "that now floats." Some stanzas had this more, others didn't, but overall, it isn't too serious and is usually an easy fix after a few rounds of editing.

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