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He knew you wouldn't. He knew you were too soft-hearted. You hunched against the wall, hands shaking as you pointed a gun at him. You backed up further, sliding towards the right, towards the door.

He didn't move. Not that he could - he was bound tight to the chair.

He had no care in the world, which made you worry he had something up his sleeve. You wanted to slap the smug look off his face, but then he'd probably kill you. "Even if you escape now and leave me here," he said, spitting blood at the floor. "Nothing will stop me from finding you again. Nothing is stopping me from coming back for you."

You didn't want to turn your back to him, knowing that he was unpredictable.

"You know," he went on. "You should really stop trying to run away. You and I have a connection and nobody else will understand it."

He was right, but it was horrible.

"It doesn't matter how many years pass," he said. "I will find you again."

Shoot him. Kill him.

As you looked in his empty eyes, you caught a glimmer of a smile. You couldn't pull the trigger, and you both knew it. You would never tell on him or report him, and he knew it too. He'd taken care of you for so many years, even if he'd done some horrible things to you.

"Don't play mind games with me," you twisted the doorknob. "I don't want to see you ever again."

A moment of silence.

And then a smirk. "Good luck."

You slammed the door, leaving him in the dark.


Fate had funny ways of telling you that everything was against you. You had almost forgotten about your experience with your ex-boyfriend, and it had been three years. You were healing, moving on. 

And then it started.

There were little hints, here and there. But you thought it was just a coincidence. After all, how many black sedans were around town? Thousands, probably. And you'd feel like someone was watching, the hairs on the back of your neck raising.

You thought nothing of it. Maybe you were just being paranoid. And surely, he had forgotten you by now. Normal people moved on in two years.

But then again, Hoseok wasn't normal.

You walked into the coffee shop. You didn't usually drink coffee, but you were really tired from studying, so you thought you'd pick some up.

"I'd like an iced latte, please," you said. 

"What size?"

"Medium," you answered briskly. You turned around to go sit at a table, nearly bumping into the next patron. He glanced at you and you sheepishly apologized, hustling away to your table. Your eyes focused on him, and you felt even worse. He was cute too.

His eyes flitted to you as he finished his order. 

Oh my god, your throat dried up. He's coming this way. You have to apologize.

But it didn't seem like he meant any harm. He sat down, and brought two coffees over. One was yours, and the other his.

"Oh, thank you," you stammered. 

"Of course," he said, still smiling. You tried to peek at his name, but his fingers had covered the paper. He looked at your laptop sticker. "You go to Oxford?" He asked.

"Oh, no," you shook your head. "I graduated a bit ago. What about you?"

"Me too," he said. "I'm focusing on my music career. I have a performance tonight, actually."

He slipped you a flyer. 

Did he randomly do this? Find girls that bumped into him and give them his card and tell them to go to his concerts?

"I'll... try," you said. "How much is the ticket?"

He grinned. "Oh, no," he said. "Don't worry. You can come in for free."

He was definitely an axe murderer. But against your rational mind, you decided to check his performance out. And in all honesty? It was pretty good.

You applauded, and thought nothing of it. It was late, and you should be heading home soon.

Fate seemed to have other plans. 

He followed you, from the concert hall to your home, seething in disappointment that you didn't stay longer and talk to him. He wanted revenge, of course, from the last time you guys talked. But he just wanted you to go back to him. Even if he had been over possessive, it was for your own good!

You were in your apartment, warming up some leftovers from lunch. You had a report due tomorrow, and your boss was not one to give leeway, especially if you had been at a concert. You were almost done anyways, though, so you looked over it one more time, before you printed it.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Three knocks on the door jarred you. Who would be here at this hour? Maybe you had ordered something online and you forgot. You looked through the peephole, and there was-

Your heart dropped. The musician. Lee Hyunjae.

What was he doing here?

You opened the door a sliver, but you kept your hand on butter knife, just in case. The guy was cute, but that didn't make him any less creepy. You were not about to end up dead on your apartment floor.

"Hi," he said. And he was carrying flowers.

"Hi," You said. 

"Uh, sorry, I just... wanted to get to know you better," he said, and he smiled. If it had been any other smile, you would've felt perfectly at ease. But it was too familiar.

You smiled tightly. "Sorry," You said. "I'm not really interested in dating at this moment."

Some emotion splashed across his face. "That's fine," he said. And then there was a slight pause in the conversation.

"You really don't recognize me?" He asked quietly. You shook your head.

"I don't," you say. "I'm sorry...?"

He pushed against the door, and you stumbled. Oh, hell no. You pushed back, and nearly succeeded in closing it, but just as you were about to lock it, he twisted the knob and pushed so hard you fell backwards.

Fuck. You scrambled to your feet.

You held up your knife. "Hyunjae," you glared. "Get out of my house and I won't have to tell anyone. Your music career will hold up."

He smiled. "Thank goodness my real name isn't Hyunjae."

"What...?" It was then deja vu hit you. You had been in this same exact situation three years ago, though you had been armed with a better weapon before. And it was the same exact person.

"Hoseok," your lip trembled.

He grinned ferally. "I found you, baby."

Sorry guys. I know I haven't updated in like three years but.... here you go LMAOO

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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