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"AND YOU'RE SURE HE'S GONE?" You asked for the one thousandth time, your voice trembling

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"AND YOU'RE SURE HE'S GONE?" You asked for the one thousandth time, your voice trembling. Your therapist looked at you. "Yes," she said patiently. Kim Seokjin was your admirer, but when you didn't love him back, he did unspeakable things to you.

Suddenly, he was right there in front of you. Your eyes widened, you were petrified. You saw the playboy smirk on his face as you inched back. "No, stay away!" You screamed. "Please!" You felt your therapist's hand on your shoulder.

"He's in your imagination, it's the withdrawal," she assured you. But you knew she was wrong, he would come back, no matter what. Love makes people do bad things.

You took a deep breath before standing up, and saying goodbye to your therapist.
It had been a few weeks without Kim Seokjin in your life. You met a guy named Jung Hoseok who made you smile everyday. Eventually, he had asked you to be his girlfriend. But you turned him down, fearing that if you loved him, Jin would hurt him.

He was much more understanding than Jin.

"Well," he shrugged. "You can't blame a guy for trying." You chuckled nervously, scratching the back of your neck. "We can still be friends, though," he noted. You nodded, but your weren't listening.

And that's when the hallucination kicked in. Jin sat at the other table across from you. You felt your heartbeat quicken. You gulped as he turned towards you, staring at you. There was no way that he was back. Hoseok seemed to notice you looking at an empty seat.

"Y/n?" He said softly. "Are you okay?" You but your lip and nodded, then smiled. But that smile was weaker than it used to be. Hopefully he didn't notice that.

"Hey," he called, and you felt his fingers close around your wrist. Your head whipped around. "You can tell me if I did anything wrong," he tilted his head.

"No," you said sincerely. "But I have to check on my mom." And with that, you waved at him and you left him behind.

You slammed the door when you entered your house. "Get out of my head!" You screamed, clutching your head. "You're not real! Leave me alone!"

It was late right now, and you decided to go outside and take a walk, just down to your mailbox and back. You clutched your hands together. You took a deep breath as you stepped back out.

And then you saw him. Standing right in front of you. You knew it was your imagination, so you closed the door. But he blocked the door with his foot, and stepped in, closing the door. Your imagination couldn't do that, could it? "No!" You shrieked. "You're not real, get out of my mind!"

You heard him chuckle darkly, "think again." He reopened the door, and picked something up. Your eyes widened as you recognized the body as Hoseok. This time, you knew it was not your imagination.

He started towards you, smirking. "I don't like other guys hanging out with my girl," he smiled psychotically. "You love him, but not me? What's so good about him? I don't see anything in him."

You stepped back, "stay away." Too quickly, he grabbed you, squeezing your arms so hard you knew you were going to get bruises. You felt his breath tickling your neck, and struggled in his grasp.

Disgusting, you thought.

"Let me go!" You screamed at him, stepping hard on his foot. He didn't even wince.

"I'm sorry, dear," his voice lowered a few octaves. "But love makes people do rash things."

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