Chapter 4 - left aside

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It's been 4 months since l'manburg has cooperated with Maple Land. There were more and more people moving into l'manburg. Because of that, l'manburg became more powerful.

And you also became friends with Quackity. Not just for work, sometimes you would hang out with Wilbur and T&T.

"Hey, I'm going to Niki's bakery. Want anything?" You asked at the door.

"Muffin, please." Tubbo said.

"Same." Wilbur looked up to you.

"I want a chocolate cake." Tommy said.

"Okay, got it!" You said as you walked out the door.

You made your way to Niki's bakery. But as you walked on the path, you noticed that there's something on the hill. Maybe just some animal. You thought to yourself and walked away.

"Hello, Niki." You opened the door of Niki's bakery.

"Hello, Gwen. How can I help you?" She smiled.

"Oh, can I have two muffins and two chocolate cakes?" You asked.

"For the boys?" She asked.

"Yeah. We just came back from Maple Land." You said as you took out your money.

"No, you don't have to pay for them. It's on me." She said as she put on the gloves.

"What, no, just let m-" You looked up to her.

"It's okay. You have been working hard. Because of you, Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur, l'manburg became a better country." she said as she squatted down and took the cakes out of the showcase and she stood up.

"So, all of these are on me, as a gratitude." She put the cake into small boxes and put them into a paper bag.

"Here!" She smiled.

"Thank you." You smiled.

"Anyway, I have to go. I'll come back after work, maybe we can watch a movie tonight!" You said as you walked to the door.

"Okay, see you then!" She waved at you, you waved back and walked out.

You made your way back to the White House. You noticed something on the ground while you're walking. A hunting knife. You picked it up.

"What the-" you mumbled.

You looked closer at the knife, and you noticed there's some word on it.


"Oh, my-" You were shocked and looked around you to see if he was here.

"What are you looking for?" Someone spoke behind you. You held the knife tightly and turned your body around quickly.

"Remember me?" The man in front of you spoke.

"How would I forget the guy who almost chopped my leg off?" You glared at him.

"But I didn't, you dodged it. Actually, I was surprised about your fighting skills." He giggled.

"What are you doing here?" You pointed at him with the knife.

"Honey, you don't have to know." He said.

"Don't call me that." You frowned.

"Anything you said!" He said.

"I'll ask you again, why are you here? Answer me or I'll stab your neck with this knife." You put the knife on his neck.

But he didn't try to avoid it. He put a finger on the top of the knife and pushed it away.

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