Chapter 10 - liability

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"What the hell are you doing here?" You frowned.

"Niki told me what happened." He walked beside you and sat down.

"How did you find me?" You looked back to the lake.

"Tommy told me. He said you're probably here." He answered.

"Is he okay?" You asked.

"Yeah. He's fine now." He said.

You hummed as a reply. None of them said anything.

You were still sad, sobbing yourself.

"I messed up." You spoke.

"It's not your fault." He said.

"No. It is my fault." Tears ran down your cheeks. He turned around and looked at you.

"I tried to protect them! Alex! I tried! But I messed up..." You said while sobbing.

You looked at the ground. Then you felt someone's arms around you.

It was Quackity. He pulled you into his arms, put your head on his chest.

You hugged him tightly while the tears were running down.

"You tried your best." he said softly.

"I know you were just trying to protect the thing... You really care about." he continued

"No matter what it costs." he said.

"I don't care if I die, I just want Tommy and Tubbo to be safe." you sobbing.

"They are all I have left. After mom left, they are the thing that I care most about. I love them, more than everything." You frowned.

"I just can't imagine what would happen if I lost one of them. I'm just...So afraid..." You continued.

"You did all of these things for them. your point of departure is good." he said.

"Yeah, and things still ended up messed up." you said.

"You just used the wrong way." he looked down at you.

"You can still fix it." He wiped your tears.

"How?" You looked up.

"You should apologize to Wilbur first." He said.

"Yeah, I should." you said.

He smiled and your heartbeat went faster. You could feel your face go hot so you looked away.

You looked at his arms which were around you.

"Oh! Sorry." He let you go quickly.

"I just tryna make you feel okay... And..." He looked away.

"It's okay. I'm better now anyway." You said.

"Thanks, Alex." you smiled at him.

"My pleasure." He smiled back. You both laughed.

He stood up and reached his arm.

"Let's go." He said.

You grabbed his arm and stood up.

You hugged him again after you stood up then you walked past him.

"Come on." You said. And he walked to you.

"You look good with short hair." He said.

"Shut." You smiled a bit.

You made your way back to l'manburg, you stood in front of White House, heartbeats went very fast.

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