Chapter 12 - promise

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"Gwen! Gwen open up!" You heard Niki's voice at the door, she was banging it as hard as she could, it sounded like she was almost breaking the door down.

"Gwen! I wanna talk! I know you're in there!" she continued, you still didn't respond. Just standing on the other side of the door.

"Gwen! Please..." She stopped banging the door, and her voice became softer. Usually her soft voice could let you feel safe, but now, you feel guilty.

"Gwen please, everything changed after- last night." You heard her start sobbing. That hurt you, so bad. You wanted to go out and comfort her, tell her everything was fine, and apologize. But you couldn't.

"Will is acting like a dick now... Tubbo hasn't talked this whole morning after knowing you left... Tommy is angry at you because he thought you threw them away..." She said with her soft voice. You took a deep breath.

"I know you didn't mean to hurt us, so please, talk to me!" She said. She's right, you didn't mean to, but how are you supposed to face them now? You hurt them, because of your action of keeping Dream away from Tommy. Then, you hurt them again. By leaving them.

Such a shame, isn't it? You tried your best to... protect them. You gave your everything. You sacrificed yourself. But it turned out, nothing worth it.

Don't you feel useless?

Dream's voice appeared, running through your mind. Did you feel useless? Yes, definitely. You hated to admit it but his words really touched and hurt your heart. You couldn't help but feel guilty, you knew Niki was by your side, but the other part of your heart kept telling you that you're not worth it.

It's better that you left them.

Without knowing how long the time passed, Niki was no longer at your door. You took a deep breath, walked to the sofa and sat down. Then you lie on the right side of your body. Tears fell down your cheeks, you couldn't stop sobbing.

Then, someone knocked on the door again. You sat up, stared at the door. She came back?

"Gwen, it's me." A familiar voice appeared. It was Alex.

You stood up and walked to the door, you couldn't deny that you were kinda disappointed that it wasn't Niki, if it was, you would probably open the door this time.

You opened the door, he smiled. "Hi." He said.

"Hi." You responded.

"I just wanna make sure you eat and feel good-" he said and gave you the spaghetti in a little plastic box.

"Thanks." You said, he handed the spaghetti to you.

You looked up with a small smile, both of you didn't say a thing.

"So- can I perhaps go in or..?" Suddenly he spoke.

You wilted our eyes. "Ye- yeah, of course." You stood to the side of the door. He walked in "thank you." He said.

"I tried to get here early but that motherfucker shlatt wouldn't let me go." He said while walking to the sofa. You closed the door and made your way to the kitchen, grabbed two glasses of water.

You walked back to the sofa, handed the water to him and sat down.

"So... is everything okay?" He asked.

You looked at him, then looked back to the glass in your hand. "Niki came here, before you came." You said.

"Did you... see her?" He asked.

"No." You took a sip.

He nodded a bit. "Well, if you wanna talk to her but don't wanna in person, I can ask shlatt for help-" he said.

"Thanks but no...." You said.

"Kay." He took a sip.

"Does shlatt know what happened? Wilbur told him, and..." he stopped. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows.

He sighed. "He was just- talking shit about you. Almost threw a punch on his fucking face." He said.

You giggled. Not sure why but still. "Aim his nose, that's his weakness." You said.

"I will, next time." He answered.

"Imma punch the shit out of him, like this- phew, phew, phew." He did some air punch and acted like a child, that made you feel good and comfortable. You giggled a bit.

He stopped, went quiet for a second. "But seriously-" he spoke suddenly.

"If anyone dares to hurt you, I would make sure that person suffers for the rest of his life." He continued.

You looked at him silently. His words made you safe and warm. He was the only person who you could trust right now. You smiled. "What if you hurt me?" You asked, half joked.

"I won't." He said.

You looked back at him, the smile faded. "Promise?" You raised your eyebrows.

He smiled. "Promise." 


i totally forgot about it 


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