Chapter 9 - challenge and anger

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After a few days of training. Tommy's archery skills improved. But you still worried about him.

"Hey..." You walked to Tommy.

He was sitting on the chair, cleaning his bow. Today is the day. He was preparing.

"Hey, sup." He put down the bow.

"You know, you don't have to win-" You said. He frowned.

"I mean, it's more important that you won't get hurt." You shrugged.

"I know, but if I lose, he will get the discs." He said.

"If so, we can find a way to deal with it." You said.

"Just promise me you won't get hurt." You looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah. I promise." He smiled. You smiled back.

"Let's go now." You turned around and said. He stood up and walked to the door.

You opened the door and saw Wilbur, Tubbo and Niki waiting outside.

You guys made your way to meet Dream.

You arrived at the spot and saw the Dream team was there waiting.

"Hello." Dream spoke. Tommy walked to him.

"So, remember the deal? You won, I leave you alone. I won, I get the discs." He said.

"You won't." Tommy said.

"Well, let's find out then!" Dream said.

"Wilbur." Suddenly, he called Wilbur's name.

"Can you count to ten for us?" He said. Wilbur nodded.

Wilbur walked between them and they went back to each other.

"Keep walking while I count, and I will count to ten and when I say the word fire, you may turn around and fire at each other." Wilbur told them. They nodded.

"One." Wilbur started counting, both Dream and Tommy took a step.




"Five." Tommy and Dream drew their bow.




"Nine." You took a deep breath.

"Ten paces, fire."

Tommy and Dream turned around and shot. Tommy dodge the arrow, and tried to shoot Dream but he missed again.

Dream tried to shoot Tommy but he kneeled down and dodged it.

As Tommy drew the bow, another arrow appeared. Tommy had no time to dodge it.

The arrow hit the right side of his belly.

Suddenly blood came out. Tommy stood up and tried to shoot Dream, but he fell. Blood was everywhere.

He lost, not even a minute.

"TOMMY!" You heard Niki and Tubbo yell. They and Wilbur rushed to him and checked if he's fine.

You just stood there, staring at them. You couldn't move.

"What if he dies from this?" You thought.

Tommy was lying on the ground bleeding, Niki used her jacket to try to stop the blood. You could tell he's very weak. Because he lost a lot of blood.

And Dream, standing there, said nothing.

You turned your face to him. He took a step closer to them.

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