Chapter 15 - Friend? Enemy?

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You woke up in your bed and checked the time. 10 am. You were supposed to be in the White House at that time. But you then remembered you were not part of them anymore.

You sighed and stood up from bed, ready to make yourself breakfast.

You walked down stairs, you didn't see Alex. He has a job, of course. You thought and walked to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and there was only a little food in it. You usually just went to the grocery store in L'manburg. But now you can't anymore.

You closed the fridge, you were not very hungry anyway. Your sight went to the other side of the house. Your bow was hanging on it.

It's been a while since the last time I went hunting. You thought.

You walked to the bow and took it down from the wall. The memories of you training Tommy appeared. Before the fight, before everything happened.

You shook your head, stopping yourself from memoring. You then grabbed a jacket on the couch, putting it on.

You walked outside and took a deep breath. You felt calm.

You walked into the forest behind your house. That wasn't a serious hunt, you honestly just walked around and cleaned your mind.

Then you heard something behind you. You drew the bow and turned around. You looked around but didn't see anyone.

You put down the bow and thought that was probably just some animal. But you heard another voice as you put the bow down.

This time you were sure, that was footsteps. You drew a bow again. "Who's there?" You asked.

No one answered. "Show yourself or I'll shoot you to death." You spoke again.

Then someone walked out from the tree on your right. The black hair, white t-shirt. You knew him. You knew him for a long time.

He looked at you, didn't say a thing. You were just pointing your arrow at him. He took a step in, you stood back. "Get back." You stared at him. "Gwen-" He called you as he took another step, you cut him off.

You held the string of the bow tighter. "I said get back!" You raised your voice a bit. He was shocked for a second. "I'm alone, no one is with me!" He said.

You let out a nerve breath. "Yeah, nice joke." You said. He sighed. "You can point the arrow at me if you want. I'm not going to hurt you." He said, putting his hands in the air. You didn't put down your bow.

"What do you want?" You asked. He stayed silent. "I-" He spoke but soon stopped himself. "Say it." You were kinda annoyed. "It's, Tubbo." He said. Your eyes went wide, drawing the bow harder. "Sapnap I swear to god if you three dare to touch him-" you yelled.

He cut you off. "No! He's fine! Well... I talked to him last night..." He said. You frowned, you thought he was lying for a second but thought of your friendship back then, you chose to trust him.

You turned your body a bit and shot the arrow on the tree beside him. "Speak." You looked at him.

"Not a very deep conversation. He just asked me if I could find you since I'm the only one who knows where you probably are beside Quackity." He explained.

"Why?" You asked. "He's your brother that's why! And I've known him since they were kids too!" He said. "You know what you did." You glared at him.

He let out a breath. "Look, Gwen. I'm sorry. I just needed a chance to leave that town, I didn't know we would meet again like this!" He raised his arms.

You didn't blame him at all. But the fact that your old friend was on the other side really pissed you. You sighed. "Don't tell him where I am." You told him.

"Why?" He asked. "I don't know, maybe it's because Dream would neither kill me or them!" You raised your eyebrows. He stayed silent.

"Sapnap, I don't hate you. But we're on different sides, that's the truth." You said. "Go back, before Dream finds out." You turned around. "But-" he said, you cut him off. "Go or I'll kill you. You're still my enemy nominally." You said.

You heard the footsteps getting farther. You sighed and walked to the tree where the arrow was. You took back the arrow and continued walking.

After minutes of walking, you sat down under a tree. The old memories came out again.

You were 14. Everything was fine back then. Your family was living happily. Tommy and Tubbo were your lovely brothers, Sapnap was your childhood friend.

"I joined a team!"

"A team?"

"Yeah! And we're going to travel around!"

"Oh! That's good! When do you leave then? I have to prepare snacks for you!"




"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Chill! I will be back!"

"You will?"

"Of course! I can't just leave my friend like this."

"Okay, that's a promise!"

"Yes, promise!"


You stared at the photo. "Yes, promise!" You let out a wry smile. You heard someone walk behind you. "Who is that?" A deep voice appeared. "Just an old friend." You answered.

He didn't respond but walked away. You put the photo back and stood up from the chair.

"Ready to go?" He asked you at the door.

You put on the cape, tightening a hunting knife on your thigh. And you looked up at him.


"Let's go, Techno."


I literally forgot this stuff again.
And I know it probably be a lil bit late but rip techno, the king of pvp. You're the best.

Words: 957

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