Substitute Teachers and Quidditch Matches

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TW - Mentions of Sexual assault on a minor

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TW - Mentions of Sexual assault on a minor. 

For the next few days theories about how Sirius Black entered the Castle were exchanged around Hogwarts, most of them involving Lyra's help to him which meant that she had deal with many stink eyes. But after her and Harry's talk she knew, she and Harry were best friends, and will be bestfriends forever, just like they had sworn when they were seven. (Cheesy ik)

A Quidditch was approaching. Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, which was originally Slytherin vs Gryffindor, but Malfoy had used his 'injury' as an excuse to delay their match. Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, was extremely anxious about the change and tried to advise Harry on every chance he saw, making him late for a Defense Against Dark Arts.

"Sorry I am late, Professor Lupin. I-"  

Lyra grimaced at what was going to happen because it was not Professor Lupin who was teaching, but Professor Snape

"This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor.

Sit down."

But Harry didn't move.

"Where's Professor Lupin?" he said.

'Why can't you just sit down Harry? You'll loose us even more points.'

"He says he is feeling too ill to teach today," said Snape with a twisted smile. "I believe I told

you to sit down?"

But Harry stayed where he was.

"What's wrong with him?"

'Nothing's wrong with him, he's just ill because of the full moon.'

Snape's black eyes glittered.

"Nothing life-threatening," he said, looking as though he wished it were. "Five more points from

Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty."

Harry walked slowly to his seat beside Lyra and sat down. Snape looked around at the class. 

And after an agonizingly long time, Professor Snape pretty much revealing Professor Lupin's secret Ron receiving a detention for 'disrespecting Professor Snape' and a ridiculously long homework essay assignment later, the class ended.

It was the day of the Quidditch match today and it was raining like crazy. Lyra woke up and got dressed. By the time she was done, most of her dorm mates had awoke. She exited her dorm and was met with Harry. Together, the duo entered the Great Hall, chatting about the most random topics, seeing as Harry often got nervous before his matches. 

"—So then, the princess, who does not know anything about ruling a kingdom takes the reigns and she gets these really cryptic messages, which only she can decrypt. And no one knows who sends them but they are addressed to 'Little Queen' and I am pretty sure that it's her uncle who sends them because he calls her 'Little princess' .  Also I am not sure that he is really her uncle because he first appeared when her parents and brother died, never before. so completely weird —"

 Lyra continued to talk animatedly as the Great Hall started to fill slowly. Harry looked at her with interest, amusement and adoration; interest for what she was saying, amusement for how she was talking, and adoration for that she was speaking to him. No mater what people said, did or behaved Lyra always stuck with him; through the ill treatment by the Dursleys (even though she had much worse problems herself), the bulling when people were believed that he had opened the Camber of Secrets and even in all the life threatening stunts he pulled. She was always there; Always. 

"That's a lovesick look if I ever knew one. Said James. 

 "No Potter. When will you understand, Those two are not happening, especially if I have something to do about it" said Regulus.

" But you don't Reggie dear, because you are dead. All of us are. " said  Dorcas ruffling the younger boys hair. 

"Not the hair."  he mutter in response, fixing his hair.

"Ten galleons those two get together next year." said Marlene

"Twenty says that they get together in their sixth year, because let's face it knowing my son he is probably going to mess something up." Said Lily. 

"You are son on, Evans."

"Hey it's Potter now. It's after years of  my hard-work that she finally is one. The least you could do is respect that Mckinnon. "

"It's Mckinnon-Meadows now too, Potter" said Dorcas in response.

The match had begun, and despite what Angelina had said before, it was more than a little rain, and no way they were handling it. Lyra could see Harry struggling to see the Snitch due to the water. She recalled a spell the repel the water off his glasses. Apparently Hermione too had the same idea as the two looked at each other, nodded and sprinted to where the team had gathered. 

"-I've got no chance, with these in." 

Lyra tapped on his shoulder and took her wand out of her robes.   "I've had an idea, Harry! Give me your glasses, quick!"

He handed them to her, and as the team watched in amazement as Lyra tapped them with her wand and said, "Impervius!"

"There!" she said, handing them back to Harry. "They'll repel water!" 

Wood beamed at her, " I could kiss you."

"Please don't." Harry's quick response came.

Hermione and Lyra's spell had seemed to do the trick and Harry could see much better. But something odd was happening. An eerie silence was falling across the stadium. The wind,though as strong as ever, was forgetting to roar. 

A familiar cold swept over Lyra as she got a sinking feeling. Dark memories flashed through her mind as she desperately tried to get rid of them, but they won over and soon she was like reliving her worst memory. 

"Hey little girl, what you doing?" Ben slurred

" N-Nothing." An eight year old lyra stuttered.

" You s-sure?" he mocked. 

"Yes sir."

A moment of silence later he spoke again. "If I am sir, you should obey me shouldn't you? Come here, let's see how obedient you actually are , little girl." 

Little Lyra stepped closer to him. A stupid move. Because as soon she did he started kissing little  Lyra. She tried pushing away but no avail. Her little eight year old self was no match for the thirty year old adult. 

Lyra was snapped out of her darkest memory by Hermione's scream. She instantly followed her line of sight. The sight left her speechless.  

Harry Potter was falling from his broom. Fast.

I am so sorry. I couldn't update. I had my exams and almost no motivation to write. But here it is.  Please leave comments of if you like the story or not, If yes then what , if no then what I should improve, what you want to see more of. 

Qotd: If there was a movie about your life then who would be cast as you? 

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