Never The Same Again

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TW : Rape

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TW : Rape

Lyra had been quiet. She had always been a quiet person, only showing her playful and carefree personality to only those she trusted the most, which for most of her life had been Harry. But now that he was no longer there, she just chose to be quiet.

She had a routine. She would wake up at her usual time, before anyone from her dorm got up, get dressed and have a halfhearted breakfast. She would then leave the Great Hall before most of the early risers came in. She would then spend the rest of her day holed up in the library. She would sit there reading and studying well into the curfew and then sneak off to the kitchens for something to eat on the Astronomy Tower.

This went on for a few days. Lyra did her best to avoid Harry, Ron and Hermione. Christmas was fast approaching and Lyra had a potions lesson scheduled with Professor Snape a few days before it. That evening, Lyra reluctantly left the Library and prepared herself for some human interaction which she had not had much of the the past few but with Professor Snape, she need not have worried even about the human part, much less the interaction part.

She picked up her books and left for the dungeons. Only she never reached. 

Lyra let out a muffled squeal as a hand clamped shut over her mouth and pulled her inside what would have been an abandoned classroom. Only it didn't look like one. There were no desks or chairs or anything that might have indicated it to be a classroom. There was a large four poster bed with emerald bedding in the center and candles at every corner.  

"I don't have a good feeling about this, James" Lily whispered.

"Neither do I, love."

It might have been considered romantic if  Lyra had any idea about who the person currently holding her was. With the limited light she could get, she squinted her eyes and tried to recognise any of the four figures standing in front of her.

"...Thomas?" she guessed.

"Ah! So you recognise me darling." Shafiq said, seemingly proud of himself, despite not really having done anything. 

"What do you w-want? " Lyra asked trying to appear confident.

"It's not about what I want. It's about what you can give me,darling. After that day--"

"Look, i-if  i-it's about that-t day, I'm sor-ry for the slap--"

"Don't interrupt me. Or there will consequences, and I am sure you won't like them.  " The boy said clenching his fist. "So," he continued after taking a deep breath, as if calming himself down,"..As I was saying before that lovely apology, I was very angry and hurt that day. But my friends here calmed me down and explained to me that it was possible that you were just upset that day. I know it happens to girls.But it's fine. I understand. But.. I can only forgive you if you do something for me, if you know what I mean..." he trailed off suggestively.

"She's thirteen, you sick fuck." Regulus bellowed upon realising what the boy meant.


Lyra  looked on blanky, processing his words. Upon realising what he meant, her eyes widened and she stuttered out, "Y-you can't m-mean that. I already said sorry. Look I'll e-even make a public apology if you want..."

The girl trailed off as he stepped closer. She took a step back, and then another, as he continued his movement. Before she could get a word out, he kissed her. Lyra felt the back of her knees collide with the bed frame before she fell on top of the covers, the Slytherin on top of her. 

Lyra tried to move her face but his vicious grip didn't permit her. She tried to push him away but her efforts seemed to be no match to his frame. Desperate, Lyra bit on his lips, hard. That seemed to do the trick and he pulled away for a moment. Lyra took it as an opportunity to push him and runaway. 

Lyra ran across the room and grasped the door handle and never had she felt such peace in her life before his voice echoed in the quiet room. "Boys! Grab her." he commanded. Two hands reached her arms and dragged her back to the centre of the room. 

"You bitch!" Thomas screamed as he drew closer to her struggling frame. "This could have been pleasurable for you too. But no, you just couldn't let me have this. Now you're really going to regret it"


Lyra felt the cold floor before she opened her eyes. Only then she realised that, she was cold, uncomfortable and very, very naked. The sunlight filtered in through the window signaling it to be a new day. The view outside was covered in hues of orange. Lyra watched in silence as the shades of pinks and purple fought for dominance against the sky and gradually lulled herself back to sleep. 

Lyra jerked awake on the cold floor again. The sun outside had already set and there seemed to be darkness all around. The moonlight filtered in the room and Lyra groaned as she moved on the floor. Little whimpers left her mouth as the girl crawled near the bed and tried to hoist herself up. A yelp escaped from her lips as she fell on the floor with a grunt of pain, her legs giving up under her. She bit her bruised lips and gritted her teeth together and tried again, this time successfully hauling herself up the soft covers. Lyra reached for her black robe that lied at the end of the mattress, and covered herself with it.

Lyra stumbled, almost drunkenly through the corridors. By the time she reached the Gryffindor tower, Lyra had silent tears streaming down her face. She whispered the password to the Fat Lady, who swung open. "Oh deary, what happened..." The portrait a  asked in a concerned voice but Lyra was long gone.

The common room was silent and Lyra's steps echoed as she walked up the dorms. She entered the bathroom and cast an absent minded silencing charm on the door. She discarded her robe on the cold tile floor and sat in the bath clumsily. Hot water sprayed on her as Lyra sat passively under it. The previous night passed in flashes in front of her eyes. It felt so real. It was real. This wasn't a dream she could wake up from. It was real, all of it. Their laughs, the sounds they made, their touch. Everything. The moon light shining through the window seemed to be mocking Lyra. So pure, so beautiful. Lyra scratched her nails on her arms, legs and everywhere. Their hand, she could still feel them. But she didn't want. She scratched on and on until her arms were raw and red and started sobbing when the touch didn't rub off.

This wasn't real. This couldn't be. Not this. anything but this. Lyra would give anything to just jolt awake in her bed right now, shaken from the nightmare. Anything for this to never have happened. Tears streamed down her cheeks and blood mixed with the water going down the drain as the stars heard the young girl's painful screams.  

Okkkk, so i have nothing to say to defend myself this time but here it is. 

Major changes happening in lyra's life. my poor babyyy. i love her so much. Thomas shafiq (insert knife emoji x infinity times) 

please comment your views on the chapter, the story, the weather, anything really. constructive (or destructive also works, Imma a second child so doesnt really do much so...) criticism. 

Also i am writing this at 1am before a test i have the next day with nothing done for it so... i am definitely going to regret this a/n tomorrow but anyways Im sure no one even reads these so imma be fine. also i dont' actually talk like this but just way easier to type without all the punctuations. omg i can feel tomorrow me's regret through myself rn so imma jut stop typing. stop. ok stop now. ok im done. stopppp. i need sleep. 

ok i swear im sane. i stopping.


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 𝕎𝕙𝕠 ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora