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A week after their arrival. Things were going smoothly as planned.

Although their trainings were growing difficult by the day. Each of the participants uses all their will just to survive the 'already deadly' training.

Especially those youngest who couldn't help but fall behind on a few obstacle courses. It's like they were being trained by military.
A completely different training from what the previous season had.

Every day. There will always be a group of young participants who either get injured among the other elder participants. Or they just can't do the given task so they are really stucked.

But as each day passes and realization always hits the youngest participants. They are the most that shows improvement and determination of learning.

It was Sunday and they were given a day off from training. But the youngests refused to take a break so those who were lacking went to the ground to train and help each other.

While those who were in charge of cleaning the cage went to the cage to play with the animals. Encountering ITZY and BLACKPINK in the process since the female mentors were bringing in stocks and feeds of the animals.

Meanwhile at the castle.

"I'm really fancying those blades at the ground. Should we join the children on their training?" Olivia said in a playful manner. Earning a derisive chuckle from her three room mates.

"We should check on the music room. I've seen a harp there. It would be nice to learn how to play it while we're here." Sumin suggested.

"Do you know how to play a harp? Because I don't. And I doubt there's someone among us who can play it." Hyojung said and laughed as she continues reading the book on her hand.

"That's exactly why we're gonna study it." Olivia scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. I agree. We can check the library if they have anything that can help us with the harp. There's literally thousands of books there. We should try and check." Jiheon said and immediately stood up.

The four roommates went to the library. There were less than ten participants reading in there. But the four focused on finding the book they want.

They went to the music section and started scanning all the fifteen shelves. Three of the shelves were filled with discs for phonographs. While the rest are books about music histories and instrument tutorials.

"I found it!" Sumin exclaimed when she finally located the book they were looking for. Olivia and Jiheon immediately went to her to check the book out.

While Hyojung who didn't hear Sumin, stayed in front of the shelves filled with record discs. On top of the shelves are transparent boxes filled with various types of music players. Such as tape, cd's and more.
There were also books of music notes and music boxes.

Hyojung had been a fan of music even when she was outside the iland. Her life revolves around music. But unfortunately, it was also the one that caused her downfall.
But nevertheless. Music is still and will remain her comfort no matter the cost.

She traced her fingers on the cover of each record discs. Choosing which to play for tonight before she falls asleep.

There was an old jukebox in their room. It had a color of a vibrant yellow and looks very enticing.
A good music will be nice to play before they go to sleep. After all, she knows that her room mates are also big fans of music which is why they easily got along.

As Hyojung was trying to pick any familiar record. Her fingers halted on a certain record.
Or more likely. An old dusty notebook.

"Now what brings you here?" Hyojung whispered to herself before pulling the notebook out of the shelf.

It was obviously placed there and hidden on purpose.
Hyojung carefully opened the book. And the words written on the first page totally surprised her.

'K's Secret Diary: A guide to the next participants of this sh**ty island.
(Ps. If you found this diary you probably know by now about the life or death situation you are at so I hope this will be of help.)'

Hyojung was about to open the diary when Olivia and the other two suddenly appeared.

"There you are! We found the tutorial book to play the harp. Let's go to the music room!" Jiheon exclaimed and immediately pulled Hyojung with them.

The four made their way to the music room to study the harp.
Dahyun, Nako and Yiren were also there. Dahyun was playing the piano while her roommates watches her and listen to her play.

"Hello." The three greeted with a smile and the four new arrivals greeted them back.

"Will it bother you if we try to study the harp? Or we can just bring it to the balcony." Jiheon suggested since playing both instruments at the same time will surely be distracting for each other.

"I'm fine with both options." Dahyun said and smiled at the four. Not failing to notice the notebook that Hyojung seems to be hiding.

"We'll just bring the harp to the balcony. I'm sure the frontmen won't mind. We can just return it later once we're done." Olivia said and everyone eventually agreed.

The four helped to carry the harp together and brought it to the balcony. It was pretty heavy since everything in the harp is made of pure gold.

Once they managed to bring the harp at the balcony. The four immediately settled down and started studying the book from the scratch.

However, only a half an hour of the four trying to indulge themselves of learning their first self-taught music lesson in the castle.
They were distracted upon hearing inaudible loud voices that was echoing from the main hall.

"I think something is wrong. We should go and check." Sumin said and stood up. The other three following behind her and went to the main hall together.

The other participants looked also confuse. Especially those who were also busy doing their own businesses.

In the main hall. Two of the youngest had came back in the castle. Bawling their eyes out and had blood all over their clothes.

"Hey! Hey! Chill down! What's wrong Bahiyyih?" Fatou asked when she recognized her roommate despite the blood that was coating almost her entire face.

Fatou immediately went to the girl and her friend, Myah. Holding them both by their shoulders and scanning them for any injury.
And gladly. They're not injured or hurt.

"What happened? Where's Leana?" Chaeyeon asked as she too approached the three upon recognizing her roommates.

The two knows that their sibling roommates went to the ground with the others. So it was pretty confusing for Chaeyeon to see the sisters separated when they're almost inseparable like gum.

"S-she's alright." Bahiyyih cried while holding on to Fatou's hands.

"Why are you two crying? And covered with blood?" Karina asked among the crowding participants.

"W-we... we were just practicing! And... and. Youngheun and Jinsoul wanted to spar." Myah cried while sniffling. "They went t-to use the tower thing. B-because. They wanted to race who shoots the bullseye first."

"But the others told them that the tower is still off limits. Ms. Yuna and Sir. Kai told us about it this morning but those two won't listen." Bahiyyih added as she only cried harder.

"Okay what the fu** happened? And can you please stop fu**ng crying!!?" Hwasa suddenly snapped as she was finally losing her patience to the two young ladies.

"Back off. You're not helping!" Fatou fired back and glared at her.

"Tell us what happened to the two. Where are they now?"

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