Part 15 "Skank."

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A/N: I'm back to write more sjips and parvill!
I'm passing my classes, the map part is finished, I feel happy but also a little psychotic 0-0 (don't ask, please.) and I think I can stop posting drabbles and one shots and work on the bigger fics again uwu

Also WARNING: I use a little more uncomfortable swears in this chapter, so know I mean nothing by it.



(Sjin POV)

"Food's here," I felt a jab at my belly. I flinched, sitting up and playfully frowning at Sips. "Come on, up." I sighed. "What did you get?" He smiled. "Chips!" He picked up a fry and began eating. "Oh, and chicken but whatever." I yawned and stretched my arms out. We sat and ate with hardly a word, calming but still quite awkward. It would have been hardly bearable if it weren't for Sips' glances and smiles. The waitress visited frequently, a little more often than that of a normal waitress. I felt uncomfortable with her smile that seemed a little.. Off.. God, I'm being so rude. Sometimes people have.. What was it called?... Oh yeah, resting bitch face.

I glanced over at her in the corner of the restaurant, seeing her whispering and giggling with her friend. Yeah, she wasn't being sinister at all. I felt guilty for thinking something like that. Oh well, she'll never know anyway. They were jumping and laughing, making each other smile. I couldn't help but smile to myself when the manager told them off. They calmed down, now just smiling and chatting quietly. They were really excited, I was pretty confused. Suddenly, she met my stare and smirked daringly, making me look away. I felt nervous when she starting walking towards our table. Her walk was flirtatious, hips moving as if she was on a catwalk.

She never looked away from me, not until she came back over to our table. "Sjin, isn't it?" She bit her lip innocently. My heart skipped a beat. She was a fan. And she's into me. "W-who?" I gulped. She giggled, pulling her pen off her ear. She reached across the table to grab a napkin, purposely getting too close for comfort. I looked over at Sips, who was blushing a bright red with the girl practically pressing against his chest. I scooted closer to Sips, almost glaring at the girl if I wasn't so nervous. She wrote quickly on the napkin, folded it, then handed it to me. "Call me." She then did her bitchy cat walk back to her friend, and they continued their screaming. I unfolded the napkin. "Tiffany.." I read quietly. She gave me her number before she even told me her name.

"Skank." Panda couldn't help but laugh as Sips angrily cursed her. I gripped his hand silently. He sighed, lifting my chin for a light kiss. I rolled my eyes as Nilesy and Panda giggled and and started clapping. The girls were looking over at us, but from their angle they couldn't see us kiss. We had finished our food and didn't want to stay any longer, so we waited until Tiffany came by again. "Hey whore, can we get the bill?" Sips managed to say before I could cover his mouth. She gasped in disgust. "H-h-he doesn't mean it I swear!" I quickly blurted. I glared at him. I felt him smile in my hand. "Ugh, you're lucky Sjin is so cute, otherwise I'd kick you out." She rolled her eyes. "Um, were leaving though--" I stated carefully. "Whatever. You know what I meant." She left, shoulders tensed.

When she came back, she had the bill. "Who's paying?" She set the bill down on the table. At that point Sips, me, Nilesy, and Panda went digging for our wallets. "I guess we're splitting then.." I shrugged. We paid and started for the door. Sips didn't want to leave a tip, so we did the next best thing. We put two dollars in a glass of water, placed the menu on top, flipped the glass upside down, then pulled out the menu. Sips was thoroughly pleased. On the way out, Tiffany ran up to me. "Maybe we can hang out sometime?" I grinned flirtatiously to Sips' surprise. "Of course," she blushed, and her face lit up. Sips cleared his throat at me. "Well, only if my boyfriend can come with us."

"Wait, boyfriend?" Her heart sank. "Yep." I grinned. Sips pulled at my waist, leaning in for a kiss. We kissed very passionately, hardly aggressive or fast paced in anyway. When we pulled away, her face was priceless. I smirked, intertwining my fingers with his and pulling him along out the door. "... Do you think we went overboard?" I tried to hide my smile. "Nah." Sips chuckled. We were grinning all the way to the car, laughing and talking with Nilesy and Panda, them thoroughly impressed with my theatrics. "See you tomorrow!" We called. They nodded, climbing into their car.

I cuddled into the seat and waited for the car to start. I looked outside the window to see Nilesy and Panda drive away. Sips clamored into the drivers seat, then started to blush. He tried to form words, but they weren't coming out. "What is it?" I blinked at him innocently. He grinned nervously. "Well, U-um do you remember what you said.. Earlier I mean?" He was bright red now. I stopped to think. "Not really.." I admitted. He tensed. "You said.. Um.. I'll do anything if you carry me." His words came out quick, I hardly understood. But when I did I began to smirk. "What is it you want then?" I laid my head down on his arm. ".. I'll explain at the house." He avoided my gaze.

"Fine fine." I leaned up and pressed my lips to his cheek. He smiled, turning his head to kiss my lips. It was slow and passionate, with only a little bit of tongue. We pulled away hesitantly. I cuddled back into the seat and felt myself start to drift off into sleep, right as the car started moving. I heard Sips sigh. ".. Sleepy bugger.." I grinned to myself. Indeed. With that I slipped into a nap.

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