Part 2 Arrival

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(Sips' POV)

The plane landed and all I could think about was Sjin. His green eyes, his friendly smile, his cute mustache.. Wait, Sips he's straight. Stop thinking about the perfect bastard with his..


Luckily, I grabbed my luggage just as the attendants were letting the passengers off the plane. I walked down the cold grey corridor with my briefcase. I looked around for the familiar brown-haired man. Appearantly, he found me first. He quickly wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace and pulled away before I knew what was happening. I looked to see his green eyes, friendly smile, and cute mustache. But wait.. Is that.. It couldn't possibly be.. Sjin had a pink blush across his smiling face. He innocently locked his fingers together and swayed his upper body back and forth excitedly.

"Sipsy!!" He hugged me again, this time I hugged back. His warm arms wrapped around my neck, as my hands grabbed around his waist. "What's up, you magnificent bastard?" I smiled, since he would never notice this hidden compliment. We held the hug for much longer than a normal hug should be, and I had only just noticed we were at the airport. In public. I quickly pulled away, an obvious blush across my cheeks. Sjin blushed too, smiling up at me.

"Come on, Duncan and Lewis are in the car, let's not keep them waiting," He grabbed my hand and raced down through the airport. I hardly could keep up but I managed. I held onto his hand tighter, since he would probably think it was just to run quicker.

Duncan embarrassedly pulled away from Lewis as he saw me and Sjin running out to the car. "Heyo Sips!" Lewis called from the driver's seat. "What's going on here?" I said, giggling with a mysterious voice. Duncan and Lewis exchanged a look that I knew too well- how he looked at Hannah. "Erm.." Duncan stuttered. "Say no more, love birds," and with that, we got in the car.

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