Ermergency Update.

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Okay, this isn't a new chapter. This is pretty much just a large AN.

A few months ago something happened, which is slightly disturbing. It's hard to write knowing something like this has happened. I'd rather not talk about it and let this all blow over, but I'm afraid people will notice me in my future writing harassing and "attacking" Sjin. So, I'm here to say that in some future chapters some disturbing things may happen to Sjin as I can't ignore what happened. Well, I'm guessing your curious enough to know what happened, so lemme just sigh and roll my eyes, then tell you what's going on.

Le sigh~

Okay here we go.

This story can go a number of ways, either you'll hate Sjin, feel sorry for Sjin, feel mad at the fangirls, feel conflicted about the whole yogscast, or give up on the yogscast entirely. (Or quite possibly all of the above.)

Rumors have been spreading about Sjin that endanger his career. It happened a few month back, but still it is putting a lot of pressure on the guy. Someone or Sjin decided to get a fake Skype account, Twitter account, and Facebook account that showed Sjin's info on it. He asked fangirls from ages 16-20 for nudes, and actually many of them complied surprisingly. Now Sjin is being held responsible for this whole mess.

Some of you know this has happened before, except it wasn't fake it was real. (Dammit Ridgedog.) Ridge apologized though, acknowledging what he did and that he fucked up. I'm just here wondering if this fake of real, since it's happened before. But I think it's fake, Sjin's a good guy. So, this incident will be acknowledged in future chapters, and I want you to know that I'm on Sjin's side so I will write in his favor. Well, at least I'm making it so that Sjin didn't ask for nudes, a random person with fake accounts did.

Hopefully this all blows over, Sjin keeps his job, and that bastard who did this fucking dies on behalf of the fangirls.


*huggles sjin*

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