Part 10 Panda

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A/N: Jotartar ;U; omg. Omg. Omg.

Also quick note, Panda does work at Yogtowers, he just lives somewhere else. Normally records from home.


(Sjin's POV)

My heart was in my throat as I walked towards the recording room. He did something horrible, and yet he was innocent at the same time. I didn't want him to know what he did, even if it emotionally scarred me. But he also deserves to know.. What do I do?! I opened the door, surprised when I ran directly into someone. I heard Lewis' gasp as he fell to the ground. Now I was really nervous. He looked up to me, smirking when he saw me cowering in fear from him.

"Well then," He chuckled, clambering to his feet. "Nice to see you too." I stuttered on, but no words formed. It came out as a stream of gibberish, but I closed my mouth to avoid embarrassing myself even more. After a while of him smiling and laughing, I finally managed to speak. ".. I-I... I was going to help you." He flashes me an apologetic smile. "Don't worry, I know." I looked at him, confusion clearly shown on my face. "H-How..?" He patted my back, causing me to blush intensely. "After a night like that, I'm pretty sure you'd do anything to not be in that position again."

My eyes widened and my blush got even redder if possible. How did he know?! "How-Wha- W-" he cut me off. "Woah, woah, it's fine, Duncan told me." Of course, I told Kim not to tell anyone, but not Duncan! God, I'm an idiot! I only have one choice left; play dumb. "T-Told you what exactly?" I tried to speak with no stutters. He locked eyes with me. "I'm pretty sure you know," I looked away from him, I couldn't stand his gaze. "But for the record, I'm sorry for, uh.. you know.. Marking you," I sighed. So he did know.

I looked back up at him. "No worries, their healing." His smile morphed into confusion. "How can you forgive me so quickly?" He inquired. I started to walk into the room. "Well, Sips put me in a good mood this morning. Besides," I looked over my shoulder, mentally beckoning him to follow. "You were drunk and you didn't mean to hurt me." His face shown bright with confusion still, but slowly he followed me into the recording room.

I pulled the calendar off the wall, trying to keep hold of the courage I had left. "Huh," I sounded. "Since when were we streaming today?" Lewis came to stand behind me. "Yeah, Simon told me we were doing Hearthstone." I turned to look at him. "He told me we were doing Sjin's Farm," Why would Simon lie? "Oh well," Lewis shrugged. "I think it's nothing. Anyways, what are we streaming?" I took another look at the calandar.

"Says here were streaming.. What?" I squinted at the horrible handwriting. "An-thang at al you bi-Ig bastards..?" Lewis growled. "Goddamn it, Simon!" I heard a knock on the recording door, and Lewis went over to open it. I overheard there talking, but I felt a little insulted. I didn't really want to see what was going on then.

After I prolonged standing and fidgeting for a while, I set down the calendar and walked over to the door. As I walked over nonchalantly, I heard a quick "thanks!". Lewis moved and I was slightly confused.. Until I ran into someone. I fell to the ground with a surprised grunt. I flinched and opened my eyes to see Lewis in a small fit of laughter. I frowned at him, until I saw who had came in. He held his hand down to help me up, but I was too excited to accept. "Panda!!"

I jumped up and hugged him, all three of us in a fit of giggles. "How are you, friend?" I exclaimed. Before he could respond Simon came down the hallway. "Keep it down, I'm trying to watch Lost!" Lewis scoffed. "You know what, go fuck yourself Simon." Simon hissed at Lewis, about to respond. But was interrupted by Panda's little wave of awkwardness. "Umm.. Hey Simon?" Immediately Simon lit up and hugged Panda.

"Great to see you, friend!" We smiled, but Simon glared at Lewis. He playfully glared back. We chatted for a while, catching up. After a moment of laughter, Panda popped a question. He fidgeted, blushing a little and looking at the ground. "Umm, is-is Nilesy h-here?" He stuttered. "Yeah, but he's out getting lunch. Why?" Lewis answered. Suddenly Panda's eyes widened and he tensed up. "I, I.." He mumbled something inaudible. "What?" Simon asked. "I n-need to t-tell him s-s-something.." His blush was extremely noticeable, yet Simon and Lewis didn't seem to notice he was uncomfortable.

I decided to save him from this. "Hey, I'll call him and tell him to hurry up. If you want to just wait here, I'm sure he'll be back soon!" I assured him. He relaxed a bit, but that didn't stop his inevitable blushing. Either way, he thanked me and smiled. I turned away from the group, pulling out my phone. I heard them continue their chat in the background of ringing. Come on Nilesy. Come on. Pick up. You know you want-

My thoughts were interrupted. "What cha need, Sjin?" He didn't seem too happy. "You seem angry, Nilesy, what's wrong?" He sighed into the phone. He seemed embarrassed. "I.. I thought I saw Panda today, but he was gone so quick I couldn't tell if it was him or not," I was smiling on the other side of the phone. "I just realized how much I miss the sweet bugger." He finished. "Well, I can assure you your not seeing things." Nilesy gave a confused grunt over the phone. I signaled Panda over, whispering "It's Nilesy!" And handing him the phone.

"Heya Nilesy!" Panda exclaimed. He was smiling as wide as he could go. He giggled, blushing and hiding his face with his fluffy panda hat. I knew something was going on with them. Ever since we invited Panda to join the Yogscast, he always seemed to like Nilesy a whole lot. However, no one here -well, at least not the recorders- have come out as gay. I think that maybe Panda..

No, no, no. How would you feel if someone you trusted questioned your sexuality? "Okay, okay.. Yeah, bye." Panda sighed happily before giving me my phone back. "Is he hurrying back?" Lewis inquired. "Yeah, most definitely." Panda giggled. They continued to talk, but I needed to ask Sips something. I excused myself from the chat, saying I needed to use the washroom. I walked down the hall, listening closely to doors of the offices. Since Sips didn't have his own office at yogtowers, he borrowed one whilst he was here. I placed my ear up against Duncan's door, disappointed when I heard Duncan instead of Sips. But was a little confused when I heard Kim there too...

"Duncan..? Come on, tell me, you haven't been acting yourself after you talked with Sjin and Sips."


"I'm not going to judge you."

Duncan sighed shakily. "I.. I-I.."

"... I'm dating Lewis." Duncan finished.

After a moment of silence, I heard Kim squeal and jump, giggling excitedly. "Really?! Yay, I'm so happy for you two!!"

"But I don't think it's going to work out.." Duncan mumbled.

Kim stopped her little celebration. "Oh.. Well why not?"

"I uh, that's a bit.. Ah, secret.."

Another moment of silence.

"Kim, don't give me that look."

"I'll stop if you tell me!"

"... Damnit, fine. He hasn't gotten over Hannah, and it's really starting to get at me now."

Kim paused. "... Hannah hasn't gotten over him either.."

"Well, it's settled then," Kim gasped. "I'm breaking up with him."

I could hear Duncan sniffle a little, and a surprising thud. Kim sighed. "I'm here for you, you don't have to do this alone."

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