Part 9 Duncan

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A/N: hey jotartar~
Your welcome =w=
Also I need everyone's feed back- comment your vote!
Xephna or Dunkim?
I will hint at Dunkim this chapter but I won't let it continue if that's what you guys want!!!

(Sjin POV)

I ran upstairs to get something warmer on, it was raining- which wasn't a surprise since the weather was always shit here. But what just happened I'll never forget. God, what was I thinking? What if things get so awkward he will want to leave? I sighed. Well, he's the one who kissed me, I only kissed back..

I got to my room and opened up my closet. I pulled out a dull green cardigan, but it was fine. I liked the color and I looked okay in it. I looked in the mirror, then gasped when I noticed how bad the marks got. Jesus, Lewis. Poor Duncan, wait.. Didn't we leave him.. Alone.. In the bar.. WITH DRUNK LEWIS?! If he does this sort of carnage, then I got to see how bad Duncan is. I was about to walk out the door when I stopped, remembering I still had these marks on my neck.

I pulled out a multi colored scarf that would cover over them, then adjusted it to make sure. I ran out the door and back down the stairs to see Sips lounging on the couch, swinging the keys around on one finger. "Nice try, but I'm driving." He smirked, jumping to his feet. I blushed a little just seeing him, and remembering what had happened. But never mind that, I have a feeling Duncan's not doing so well!

"I don't care, just lets go and hurry! I'll explain in the car!" I giggled on my way out the door. I earned a confused grunt from him, but he quickly followed, jumping in the driver's seat. I closed the car door. He started the car and began to drive to yogtowers. "So.. Mind explaining what's up?" I bit my lip in worry. "Remember when we left San Carlo to get bandages?" He had a worried look of his own. "yeah. Don't think I could ever forget." He voice cracked a little, but he cleared his throat. I spoke in a rushed tone. "WE LEFT DUNCAN ALONE WITH DRUNK LEWIS!" He gasped in realization. "HOLY SHIT WE DID!" He stepped down on the gas pedal, going just over the speed limit. He was just as curious as I was, and I needed to see if he was okay.

- - - - -

As soon as he parked, we rushed out of the car and ran inside. We we're stopped by Kim. "Woah, woah, woah, what's going on?" She was curious. "Just follow, no time for questions!" Before she could respond or Sips could object, we were running down the hall to the elevator. We got in the elevator, so she took this moment to ask questions. "So wait, what's happening?" I took in a deep breath and began.

"Yesterday me, Sips, Lewis, and Duncan got drunk," she seemed a little confused but nodded for me to go on. "Well.. I- I... Fell.. And got injured, so we left." She looked at me as if she knew I was leaving something out. But nonetheless, nodded. "We left Duncan alone with a sex-crazed drunk Lewis!" Her eyes widened. "What were you thinking?! Oh god.." The elevator opened, and all three of us were rushing to Duncan's office, almost tripping over each other.

Sips banged on the door, which opened a few seconds after. We all tried to run in, but we tripped over each other and fell. "Duncan?! Tell you me your not dead!" Kim pleaded. I heard a chuckle. "I don't think I'm dead," I gasped with relief, looking up to see Duncan, perfectly fine. But I was also so confused. I got up and dusted myself off. Kim immediately jumped up and hugged him. She pulled back, covering her face slightly to hide her blush. I wasn't a fan of blabbing secret crushes out to the world, so I said nothing. Also that's low, and I wasn't going to judge. I just wanted to find out how he was alive right now.

"H-How?! How d-did you.." He looked at me confusedly. "How did I what?" He questioned. Suddenly he gasped in pain, holding his head in his hands. "D-Duncan?!" Kim worriedly spoke. He chuckled. "It's okay Kim, just a bad hangover." I blinked in realization. He may not have even remembered what happened, he was drunk! Of course! "What do you remember of yesterday?" Sips spoke carefully. He must have had the same thought I had.

Perfect : A Sjips FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora